Saturday, February 28, 2009

Italian Forums Superzeta

against the crisis, nationalizing the Bank of Italy

E 'news of the last days of the willingness of European governments to nationalize banks to restore breathing to credit for households and businesses. Obviously this will force European countries to borrow more to save the cause of the crisis. However, governments
well regarded by the nationalization another institution, namely the various central banks and thus indirectly the ECB. All
perceive the Bank of Italy as a government entity of which the Italian state would have 100% of quote.Non is così.La Bank of Italy is divided into parts among several banks and some state institutions (INPS). In fact in 2005 was promulgated Law 262 of 28 December which included the complete transfer of the shares belonging to private banks in favor of government agencies or to the Treasury by 12 January 2008. Unfortunately, the law did not provide for penalties or sanctions it, and not having mandatory nature, to 19/12/2008 (as you can see the site of the Bank) shares are still owned by institutions bancari (Intesa-San Paolo e Unicredit in testa che da sole detengono il 45%).

Ovviamente la Banca d'Italia produce utili grazie a quello che nel gergo si chiama signoraggio ossia l'insieme dei redditi derivante dall'emissione della moneta. La Banca d'Italia grazie al diritto che ha di battere moneta e alla sua partecipazione alla BCE(che invece emette le banconote) ottiene utili che divide tra i suoi soci.
La crisi è evidentemente sempre per i soliti noti,gli altri se la cavano sempre.

Antonio Di Gilio

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Streaming South Park French

Left: Kobarid from the Piave the music does not change the

La luna di miele di Berlusconi continua inesorabile. Il Pd va verso una clamorosa sconfitta grazie a scelte moderate di Veltroni e la mancanza di carisma dell'attuale Franceschini.
I nodi non sono ancora risolti (sul testamento biologico il partito è ancora spaccato) e manca una linea condivisa. Nemmeno con la Caporetto del 2009 il Pd riesce a stringere i ranghi. Ho l'impressione che nonostante il cambio tra Cadorna e Diaz,anche la linea del Piave sarà sfondata. E' il momento di tirare le somme e comprendere i motivi reali di questa disfatta dell'intera area di Sinistra. Per quanto mi sforzi la risposta che mi tormenta è una: quali risposte diamo alla crisi?Come risolvere i problemi della gente?Insomma quale disegno politico proponiamo? Da ormai un anno ho dovuto solo assistere a guerre intestine all'interno del PD and recriminations between the various small parties of the left absent from the parliament. Chianciano first, then the telenovelas Vendola-Ferrero, now the recriminations over who is wrong in Sardinia. People have understood all too well that this left, unable even to the opposition, but can do without. It 's time to get around a table, bring together the best intellectual energies we have to offer (by economists and lawyers to not only philosophers) and write a viable political plan that reflects our being to the left: radical and alternative.
We launched the idea of \u200b\u200bshifting the 8 per thousand to social security benefits. Launching a feasible housing plan with the money that will instead be wasted on unnecessary work such as that of bridge over the strait. Talking seriously cuts policy at all levels right from the beginning the province. We need to launch anti-lists provinces in which any elected members and will make efforts to transfer responsibilities to the municipalities and regions and fail to receive compensation.
Berlusconi beat him today only on the factual and not just an ideal. Only if we present a concrete project we hope to beat the political slogans and hurt.
Italy along the lines of the next twenty years is losing but not mangnelli and castor oil, but simply for our own merit

Antonio Di Gilio

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wedding Thank You Message Examples

risiko Berlusconi Veltroniana death, coma the Left

Sardinia is a further proof that things go wrong Left very male. Il PD (se di vagamente di sinistra si vuol parlare) è ormai verso la disfatta finale. Veltroni è KO e le due anime del partito stanno affinando i coltelli. La vincita del centro alle primarie toscane ma la contemporanea vittoria dell'UDC in Sardegna dimostra che la voglia centrista del PD va affollare un'area nella quale i copyright sono di altri.
A sinistra invece si preferisce l'astensione piuttosto che votare un fantomatico Pd o micro corpuscoli che perservono nelle loro identità.

E passiamo a noi. La Sinistra per la Sardegna presente in 8 province su 9 prende un decoroso 1,6%. Mi sento però di dire che quella lista è nata in un solo mese ed è formata quasi esclusivamente da quelli di SD. Per un analisi più correct we should add the Red Mori, formed by the old Sardinian independent movement of the left and the Greens. The two lists by themselves were more likely to Rainbow.

Rifondazione out with broken bones. Vendola continues its prevarication and despite his departure from the party called for a vote PRC. There, his motion was 63% and obviously our people there is nothing more understanding and preferred to stay at home rather than go to the polls. The PDCI

gain a few tenths of a point, but it is wishful thinking. In absolute lose many votes and still not gain space.

In any case, the four lists bring home five seats in the region after the 3 of 'Abruzzo. In short, the Left lives his worst nightmare. And United do not like losing, but gaining currency loses some armchair. In Sardinia, Abruzzo as advisers will only serve to give oxygen to the coffers of political parties and movements in financial crises. But lose visibility and habitats to hope for a gradual recovery and change of course.
I want to go back to the substantive policy analysis, talk about ideas and proposals of an alternative society and not to argue a risiko election, one-sided bargain, that will only bring new bitterness and retaliation. And it takes to say those four losers of the leaders of these parties, we had even more reason for you or we won.

So I can not stand here and hope for the death of the Democratic Party, in the wake mates of tired of that party which may come back and listen to return to dream. If I do have to be on us and not for the unworthiness of others. The attack is the best defense and remain pending and the worst punishment that can be imposed

Antonio Di Gilio