Thursday, June 25, 2009

Kids Jeff Hardy Costume guessed the weather!

For the second consecutive year, the site guessed 2 of the 7 tracks of the first test of maturity.

guess tracks are short essay on Social Network, Internet and New Media , and the historical theme of the fall of the Berlin Wall , the first track that we have assumed.
blog in a few days it has become the benchmark for more than 30,000 students have tripled the success of last year.

We hope to have helped to take the examination in a more safe and joyful thanks to our links for further information.

Our good luck to all the other evidence in this examination and those that will.

you next year.
Thank you all!

The Cervix Right Before Period Is Due

Maturity 2009: All tracks of the first test

Here is a summary of the traces of the Italian theme of the school leaving examination in 2009.

Type A, Analysis of Text: Remarks a step of Preface to the Confessions of Zeno.

Type B, short essay or newspaper article:

Setting artistic and literary : Falling in Love. Texts of Dante, Alberoni, Gozzano, Catullus, Leopardi and Cardarelli.

Social and Economic : 2009 Year of Creativity and Innovation

historical-political : Origin and development of youth culture, with a document Hobsbawm.

scientific and technical areas: Social Network, Internet and New Media, with documents and Castels Bajan.

historical theme, type C : "In 2011 we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy. Successione di tre tipi di regime. Il candidato si soffermi sul passaggio dal regime liberale monarchico a quello fascista e da quello fascista a quello democratico repubblicano"

Tema d'attualità, tipologia D : "Con legge 61 del 15 aprile 2005 ,il 9 novembre è stato dichiarato giorno della libertà, quale ricorrenza dell'abbattimento del Muro di Berlino, evento simbolo per la liberazione di paesi oppressi e auspicio per le popolazioni tuttora soggette al totalitarismo. A 20 anni dalla caduta del muro di Berlino, il candidato rifletta sul valore simbolico di quell'evento ed esprima la propria opinione sul significato di libertà e democrazia"
