Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Cover Letter Dental Hygiene

The presumption of innocence of the PD and journalism

The presumption of innocence is enshrined in Italian Constitution, which states in Article 27, paragraph 2 that "the defendant is not considered guilty until sentencing final. "

Consequences of the presumption of innocence are the established principles, as well as in the Constitution, the Law on fair trial. However
newspapers and journalists for too long we have become accustomed to the presumption of guilt and process summaries media-and this not only to political issues and politics, but the news nera.Ultimo aanche events in chronological order that the executive del Pd Bianchini
Tutti ricorderanno chi inizialmente fu accusato per il delitto della Caffarella (un rumeno che nulla centrava) o dell'omicidio di Perugia (Patrick Lumumba)o ancora la croce che per due anni ha dovuto sopportare il padre dei fratellini di Gravina. Tutte persone letteralmente massacrate da giornali e giornalisti che hanno rischiato il linciaggio fisico a causa di un gioralismo becero che ha gareggiato a chi scriveva epiteti più crudeli.
L'uso del condizionale della presunzione è stato sempre sostituito dal modo indicativo di una certezza intrisa di mancanza del rispetto delle più elementari norme deontologiche e democratiche.
Infastidisce come anche lo stesso Pd si sia prodigato alla veloce espulsione del suo dirigente senza that this person has not received a mandate to stop creating a controversy over a matter instrumental immoral.
be clear, if this Gentilini was guilty of the charges pending and justice had occurred, would have to throw away the key. But until justice has not run its course, I have neither moral nor ethical right to utter words of giudizio.E not enough to write titles that use the conditional, then fill the article of nouns like "monster" or "rapist "to be considered immune to problems of conduct.
Trying to sell more copies running behind in sensationalism journalism is the son of a back room that most of the search for truth, peg away at more detail gory as a model of the house of Novi Ligure in the study of the Vespa.
But the Italian people to become violent continuously raped by a communication does not even notice these things.
Antonio Di Gilio
Left and Freedom
Adelaide (BA)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Example Of Church Welcome Letters

our national strike against the law of the Blog Alfano

Antonio Di Gilio

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Car Warranty In Ontario

Who is the union? Virtually none of

This post is to be considered in any way related to the thought of the leftist movement and local freedom, but simply the result of my personal idea.
Recently, I asked who actually represents the sindacato.Troppo often hear on the news that the two sides meet to decide on various issues have to deal with the world of lavoro.Ci would expect that represent at least 50% plus one of the workers in order to be a minimum of one representative realtà.Sono went to investigate the number of players and I made a discovery (which I think many know) nothing short of appalling.
We start from the CGIL.
The data are from 2007 and can be found here

The data say that Tessari are 5 million 600 thousand, but at a more well-actant 3 pensionati.Sono million are the generation who rightly so by the union has had on the rights and which keeps alive their loyalty.
The second largest group (even if well-spaced) con 400.000 iscritti sono i lavoratori del pubblico impiego a cui si sommano i quasi 100.000 del settore bancario che,scusate se sembrerò crudo, ma è un gruppo di lavoratori che nulla a che vedere dalle angherie che possiamo ritrovare nel settore privato.
Fatti i dovuti calcoli, la CGIL rappresenta circa 2 milioni di lavoratori.

Passiamo alla Cisl(2008)

I tesserati dichiarati sono 4 milioni e 500 mila iscritti.Ma anche per questo sindacato faciamo un'analisi più attenta.I tesserati ormai non più attivi sono 2 milioni e 200 mila. A questi togliamo un altro mezzo milione di lavoratori tutelati,la Cisl rappresenta circa 1 milione and 800 000 workers. Finally

Uil (2008) The enrolled

declared are 2 million 877 thousand and 100 mila.Di These are the retired and the industry pubblico.Conclusione 400 000 the number of workers "in need of protection" is 800,000.

abandoning the other smaller unions that are more bureaucratic structures of some use to the world of lavoro.In Italy there are more than 23 million lavoratori.Tolti 3 million civil servants (including 1 million and a half represented by three more big unions), to about 20 million lavoratori.Di these 4 million 600 thousand are represented by the union (about 18%) the other nisba majority.

In other words, who represents the union? In light of the data are more retirees that workers sign the utility of a time long gone.
are workers who have a full belly (as stated by a union) or are self referential unions representing only themselves that led to these data? And why should they sign their contracts as the representatives of only 18% of workers?

Antonio Di Gilio