The presumption of innocence is enshrined in Italian Constitution, which states in Article 27, paragraph 2 that "the defendant is not considered guilty until sentencing final. "
Consequences of the presumption of innocence are the established principles, as well as in the Constitution, the Law on fair trial. Howevernewspapers and journalists for too long we have become accustomed to the presumption of guilt and process summaries media-and this not only to political issues and politics, but the news nera.Ultimo aanche events in chronological order that the executive del Pd Bianchini
Tutti ricorderanno chi inizialmente fu accusato per il delitto della Caffarella (un rumeno che nulla centrava) o dell'omicidio di Perugia (Patrick Lumumba)o ancora la croce che per due anni ha dovuto sopportare il padre dei fratellini di Gravina. Tutte persone letteralmente massacrate da giornali e giornalisti che hanno rischiato il linciaggio fisico a causa di un gioralismo becero che ha gareggiato a chi scriveva epiteti più crudeli.
L'uso del condizionale della presunzione è stato sempre sostituito dal modo indicativo di una certezza intrisa di mancanza del rispetto delle più elementari norme deontologiche e democratiche.
Infastidisce come anche lo stesso Pd si sia prodigato alla veloce espulsione del suo dirigente senza that this person has not received a mandate to stop creating a controversy over a matter instrumental immoral.
be clear, if this Gentilini was guilty of the charges pending and justice had occurred, would have to throw away the key. But until justice has not run its course, I have neither moral nor ethical right to utter words of giudizio.E not enough to write titles that use the conditional, then fill the article of nouns like "monster" or "rapist "to be considered immune to problems of conduct.
Trying to sell more copies running behind in sensationalism journalism is the son of a back room that most of the search for truth, peg away at more detail gory as a model of the house of Novi Ligure in the study of the Vespa.
But the Italian people to become violent continuously raped by a communication does not even notice these things.
Antonio Di Gilio
Left and Freedom
Adelaide (BA)