Friday, March 11, 2011

Office 2003 Aktivierunghack

working on the next work

From the first night I made the first shots of the San Miniato night, I started thinking how to put them together, and what to do.

The opportunity has presented me Chiara Rossi, a friend, deputy mayor of my town, and culture commissioner.
They planned for Saturday 19 March, in the council chamber of the City, the Festival of Poetry in cooperation with Creative Erba d'Arno, publisher Toni fucecchiese family and friends. On that occasion
proclaim San Miniato "city of poetry."

The test page a few days ago, had precisely the objective of testing a new realization photo then be put in place with pictures of the night San Miniato. Photo
large, with a vertical format pushed, with a height that is 2.8 times the base. Photo
cut and broken in 21 pieces, mounted on the tiles of a certain thickness, and then reassembled slightly apart, on a white background.
almost like a mosaic to be filled.

The goal now is to be ready for 19, and exhibit the collection in conjunction with the show dedicated to poetry, with images that accompany the readers of the various tracks.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

How Much Does It Cost For A Ohio License

how hard it is to tell the truth

Giovanni Papini, " or I do not ask no bread, no glory, no compassion. Not domando abbracci alle donne o soldi ai banchieri o elogi. Di codeste cose fo a meno o le guadagno o rubo da me. Ma chiedo e domando, umilmente, un po' di certezza, un atomo di verità ".

Cercando altre cose, mi sono imbattuto in questa citazione, ed una volta letta, ecco che mi si è illuminato un punto oscuro.

Ieri sono stato a San Giustino, alta valle del Tevere, al confine tra Umbria e Toscana.
Ho fatto visita ad un impianto per l'estrazione di olio dal girasole, per poi trasformarlo in energia elettrica.
C'era quasi tutto, la tramoggia di scarico del girasole con tanto di pulitore, le presse per estrarre l'olio dal girasole, una linea di filtraggio, e po' di olio che floated in a bowl. Out of the two engines of 400 kWe each.
Among the things that were missing, the link between the plant and extraction engines.

17 farmers formed a cooperative to build and manage quell'impianto.
The visit lasted more than an hour. We talked, discussed the steps that led to the creation of quell'impianto, discussed the choices made.

Was it a sense of sadness that enveloped me just entered the area. The dry grass to the sides, dust and smell di rancido della sala spremitura. Mi ero fatto un'idea, ma sentivo che ancora mi mancava il senso di tutto ciò.

La lettura di quelle frasi di Papini, mi hanno fatto un po' di luce. E' mancata un po' di verità. Il racconto che ho ricevuto di quella storia ha taciuto dei passaggi.

Tra un paio di settimane è il mio compleanno. Sono già passati 5 anni da quando, per il mio 40° compleanno, a cena, festeggiando con gli amici più cari, dichiarai a tutti, pensando che ormai ritenevo di aver raggiunto un'età che superata non avrei dovuto più aver bisogno di dire bugie per vivere, che da quel giorno avrei detto solo la verità.

Beh, non ci sono riuscito. Magari I did not tell lies, but I kept quiet truths ...

So, what do complain, I just have to find out what I was silent.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Arrhythmia Condition_symptoms

a blade of moonlight down

Here at Peter,
high towards the horizon, a sliver of moon
down, like a smile

the dark night sky.
And there?

Monday, March 7, 2011

Diagram Of A 420 Sailboat

March 8, International Women's Day

Here I am to post the ticket to the Women's Day this year.
And this year, she started as a special year.
Italy still seems to be a country for women, but you need to be.
And then, "if not now when?".

A girl I know, today wrote:
- not want the good wishes of the woman of the day ... but the respect and recognition for all days of the year when no value to domestic work (women who think it is a must) or the money they bring home (whether few or many). -

This girl, like all others, I hope you accept my best wishes, giving just the right value to 8 March, the day came more than a century ago to honor the workers of the world, became a celebration of women over time.

For ticket this year, I decided to tell the women in the movement, those "Who want to be there."
I have portrayed the weekly market of Castelfranco di Sotto. The market seems to be a place created for women, created by the woman. Here is proving decisive and enterprising.