Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Plattwood Park Deep River Ct

The Nazi-fascism after six months of obscuring back in rete

I write this post to suggest a site monstrously racist and xenophobic to show how the Nazi forces are increasingly making proselytes in silence assordante.Un site that you point out only suitable for people of strong stomaco.Torture, murder, injury to any person not "Aryan." The exodus of a season that was hoped for dead is becoming stronger in the general indifference of the media and the network that scares me, because, as Levi said, "it happened once and it can still happen,"
The link is as follows


resembles the YouTube site from which copy the graphics but the videos are a compendium of the worst hysteria storia.Invito all readers to report to the police post and the judiciary this link.Esiste a limit to freedom of thought ... He is human dignity.

6 months ago I had already reported and complaints made to obscure the site. Unfortunately, they changed the address and a voice here again. Here's the previous post

Friday, April 17, 2009

Who Sells Pedal Boats In Florida?


(ASCA) - Roma, 17 apr - ''We are not the left (although I gather, without hiding, the solid reformist strain), we no longer 'need to define topography, based on our placement center. We are the Italian democratic.'' Cosi ', Francesco Rutelli on the position of the Democratic Party in the panorama of Italian politics, in an article in Europe.

''We did not write''Rutelli, referring to his two titles released on Europe, indicating in the 'left' the reference group of the Democratic Party. ''I do not dispute - he explains - the simplification of licenses, but the example of the message that is gaining momentum: the Democratic Party and 'the left, and' the party of the left in Italy.''

''With the birth of the Democratic Party - the former deputy continues - a new / old word has finally allowed us to describe the hope that for fifteen years had gathered under the banner of the Olive. The word''democratic.

E - Rutelli concluded -''we who are friends of the Italian democratic and democratic freedom fighters' from around the world. And we set up our party. Will never forget. Do not ignore the alarm bells. Do not go back to recognize the parts, 'cause we would lose everything.''

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sample Company Anniversary Letter

Quando l'informazione fa i conti con lo share...che schifo

The days of the tragedy in Abruzzo showed the best qualities of the people italiano.La ability to mobilize immediately and in different ways, the dignity in the face of death, the desire to share and a sense of national unity in times of drama. All this makes me proud to be part of this great country. However these days of horror and honor me literally disgusted with the way we do television journalists.
What is the extent to which information and research particularly macabre? What is the search for the human case in the human tragedy for the information? More thing to the viewer with the question "What are you doing here?" that a family man who sleeps in the car because obviously has lost his home? What hidden pleasure meets the question "How do you feel?" that girl that she knew she'd lost her brother in the damn hall of residence?
But the Oscar for the pornography of television is for the preparation of TG1.Come those sick pigs that roam the supermarkets covered by a simple proof to show to SHARE their inexperienced women, so the day after the earthquake a smiling reporter pitted the record ratings during the various editions terremoto.VERGOGNA post. Fortunately
to give lessons of professionalism and respect for the tragedies is the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano. Indeed, he was besieged by photographers and cameramen literally the devil sends journalists as he is there "not to have a few photos but to make it closer to its people and institutions to the survivors." These are the difference of style and a lot of people should treasure it.

Antonio Di Gilio

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

How To Get A Smaller Vajina

La carta di Kilombo è scritta con i piedi...quando l'italiano è un optional

Since I became editor I started to read the new card and I discovered many horrors Kilombo syntactic and complex sentences that make heavy sentences.

divertetissimi I bring you some examples.

art.4 paragraph II
In presence of trolls and troublemakers of the area or public individual feedback (Kilombo Slow )....." (But fuck it means?)

art.5 paragraph V
A single post can not be reported on the meta-blog more than once. Kilombo may not be published on more than one meta-post for the blog day (up to a maximum of two allowed to post blogs. provided they are signed by different authors attributed as usual the writers group blog). The abuse of parentheses is alarming

not carry over to all and sundry without commas why not coordinated with adjectives and nouns always within article 5

art. 6
.. in case of a number of editors under 4 drawing will only make routine ... (because the 6 editors can do extraordinary administration always in the light of that article?)

art. 6 a

"Kilombo bloggers have the power to take urgent and worthy initiatives, supported by at least 5% of the members, which will be submitted to a vote of the collective before the actual submission of the signatures in order to bind the 'aggregator as a whole alongside the just struggles of workers, students, volunteers international cooperating local activists for civil rights minorities already mentioned and also of those social groups and cultural minorities will be reduced to the laws of the state. "(I lost my breath. But the cost has put the points? In elementary school my teachers were erasing sentences so long) and


The signatures shall be understood as adherence to a proposal made by each individual blogger ... believer in the mail of writing visible on the HP Kilombo. (....)

lL tool for internal communication to the collective members and a mailing list. The members are required to leave an email address at registration (not just "The" error ma manca anche un accento da far bocciare chiunque a un esame in italiano)


"L'adesione a Kilombo è condizionata all'adesione ai principi della presente Carta ed è gratuita."
Non sare bbe meglio "L'adesione a Kilombo è gratuita ed è soggetta all'adesione DEI principi della presente carta( e non all'adesione ai principi)

ma ancora

"L'iscrizione e curata dalla redazione... "(altra bocciatura)

Art. 9 bis

The tasks of the EC are set by the original draft of KS project that is acquired as part of this Charter and may be amended by following the same
In order to promote and as widely as possible the purpose and spirit underlying the Community Kilombo, the Editorial Board is authorized to open spaces, pages, and / or forums with other social-network or community.

Perhaps it would be better
"The tasks of the EC are set by the original progetto di K.S. IL progetto viene acquisito come parte integrante della presente Carta e può essere emendato seguendone i medesimi meccanismi.
Al fine di promuovere e diffondere il più possibile le finalità spirito della Comunità kilombista, il Comitato Editoriale è autorizzato ad aprire spazi, pagine e/o forum presso altri social-network o community.

Art. 10 (sintatticamente tutto da cambiare)

della serie non c'è due senza tre
"La decisione di espulsione e presa per votazione a ...."(terza bocciatura)

Antonio Di Gilio