working on the next work
From the first night I made the first shots of the San Miniato night, I started thinking how to put them together, and what to do.
The opportunity has presented me Chiara Rossi, a friend, deputy mayor of my town, and culture commissioner.
They planned for Saturday 19 March, in the council chamber of the City, the Festival of Poetry in cooperation with Creative Erba d'Arno, publisher Toni fucecchiese family and friends. On that occasion
proclaim San Miniato "city of poetry."
The test page a few days ago, had precisely the objective of testing a new realization photo then be put in place with pictures of the night San Miniato. Photo
large, with a vertical format pushed, with a height that is 2.8 times the base. Photo
cut and broken in 21 pieces, mounted on the tiles of a certain thickness, and then reassembled slightly apart, on a white background.
almost like a mosaic to be filled.
The goal now is to be ready for 19, and exhibit the collection in conjunction with the show dedicated to poetry, with images that accompany the readers of the various tracks.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
How Much Does It Cost For A Ohio License
how hard it is to tell the truth
Giovanni Papini, " or I do not ask no bread, no glory, no compassion. Not domando abbracci alle donne o soldi ai banchieri o elogi. Di codeste cose fo a meno o le guadagno o rubo da me. Ma chiedo e domando, umilmente, un po' di certezza, un atomo di verità ".
Cercando altre cose, mi sono imbattuto in questa citazione, ed una volta letta, ecco che mi si è illuminato un punto oscuro.
Ieri sono stato a San Giustino, alta valle del Tevere, al confine tra Umbria e Toscana.
Ho fatto visita ad un impianto per l'estrazione di olio dal girasole, per poi trasformarlo in energia elettrica.
C'era quasi tutto, la tramoggia di scarico del girasole con tanto di pulitore, le presse per estrarre l'olio dal girasole, una linea di filtraggio, e po' di olio che floated in a bowl. Out of the two engines of 400 kWe each.
Among the things that were missing, the link between the plant and extraction engines.
17 farmers formed a cooperative to build and manage quell'impianto.
The visit lasted more than an hour. We talked, discussed the steps that led to the creation of quell'impianto, discussed the choices made.
Was it a sense of sadness that enveloped me just entered the area. The dry grass to the sides, dust and smell di rancido della sala spremitura. Mi ero fatto un'idea, ma sentivo che ancora mi mancava il senso di tutto ciò.
La lettura di quelle frasi di Papini, mi hanno fatto un po' di luce. E' mancata un po' di verità. Il racconto che ho ricevuto di quella storia ha taciuto dei passaggi.
Tra un paio di settimane è il mio compleanno. Sono già passati 5 anni da quando, per il mio 40° compleanno, a cena, festeggiando con gli amici più cari, dichiarai a tutti, pensando che ormai ritenevo di aver raggiunto un'età che superata non avrei dovuto più aver bisogno di dire bugie per vivere, che da quel giorno avrei detto solo la verità.
Beh, non ci sono riuscito. Magari I did not tell lies, but I kept quiet truths ...
Giovanni Papini, " or I do not ask no bread, no glory, no compassion. Not domando abbracci alle donne o soldi ai banchieri o elogi. Di codeste cose fo a meno o le guadagno o rubo da me. Ma chiedo e domando, umilmente, un po' di certezza, un atomo di verità ".
Cercando altre cose, mi sono imbattuto in questa citazione, ed una volta letta, ecco che mi si è illuminato un punto oscuro.
Ieri sono stato a San Giustino, alta valle del Tevere, al confine tra Umbria e Toscana.
Ho fatto visita ad un impianto per l'estrazione di olio dal girasole, per poi trasformarlo in energia elettrica.
C'era quasi tutto, la tramoggia di scarico del girasole con tanto di pulitore, le presse per estrarre l'olio dal girasole, una linea di filtraggio, e po' di olio che floated in a bowl. Out of the two engines of 400 kWe each.
Among the things that were missing, the link between the plant and extraction engines.
17 farmers formed a cooperative to build and manage quell'impianto.
The visit lasted more than an hour. We talked, discussed the steps that led to the creation of quell'impianto, discussed the choices made.
Was it a sense of sadness that enveloped me just entered the area. The dry grass to the sides, dust and smell di rancido della sala spremitura. Mi ero fatto un'idea, ma sentivo che ancora mi mancava il senso di tutto ciò.
La lettura di quelle frasi di Papini, mi hanno fatto un po' di luce. E' mancata un po' di verità. Il racconto che ho ricevuto di quella storia ha taciuto dei passaggi.
Tra un paio di settimane è il mio compleanno. Sono già passati 5 anni da quando, per il mio 40° compleanno, a cena, festeggiando con gli amici più cari, dichiarai a tutti, pensando che ormai ritenevo di aver raggiunto un'età che superata non avrei dovuto più aver bisogno di dire bugie per vivere, che da quel giorno avrei detto solo la verità.
Beh, non ci sono riuscito. Magari I did not tell lies, but I kept quiet truths ...
So, what do complain, I just have to find out what I was silent.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Arrhythmia Condition_symptoms
Monday, March 7, 2011
Diagram Of A 420 Sailboat
March 8, International Women's Day
Here I am to post the ticket to the Women's Day this year.
And this year, she started as a special year.
Italy still seems to be a country for women, but you need to be.
And then, "if not now when?".
A girl I know, today wrote:
- not want the good wishes of the woman of the day ... but the respect and recognition for all days of the year when no value to domestic work (women who think it is a must) or the money they bring home (whether few or many). -
This girl, like all others, I hope you accept my best wishes, giving just the right value to 8 March, the day came more than a century ago to honor the workers of the world, became a celebration of women over time.
For ticket this year, I decided to tell the women in the movement, those "Who want to be there."
I have portrayed the weekly market of Castelfranco di Sotto. The market seems to be a place created for women, created by the woman. Here is proving decisive and enterprising.
Here I am to post the ticket to the Women's Day this year.
And this year, she started as a special year.
Italy still seems to be a country for women, but you need to be.
And then, "if not now when?".
A girl I know, today wrote:
- not want the good wishes of the woman of the day ... but the respect and recognition for all days of the year when no value to domestic work (women who think it is a must) or the money they bring home (whether few or many). -
This girl, like all others, I hope you accept my best wishes, giving just the right value to 8 March, the day came more than a century ago to honor the workers of the world, became a celebration of women over time.
For ticket this year, I decided to tell the women in the movement, those "Who want to be there."
I have portrayed the weekly market of Castelfranco di Sotto. The market seems to be a place created for women, created by the woman. Here is proving decisive and enterprising.
Dupont Professional Grade Logo
still a piece of garden flowers
In mid-afternoon I was able to spend almost two hours to preparing the garden.
Immediately after lunch he came to see my brother, so I took the opportunity to start the fence.
With the auger motor I made the holes for the poles that will support the network.
Visto il gran numero di animali che girano per Pierino, ho pensato utile proteggere la verdura che metterò nell'orto.
A Pierino la tramontana non si sente molto, smorzata dagli alberi del bosco, ma il freddo era ugualmente pungente.
Questa sera, con il comitato del BuccianoFotoDiarioFestival abbiamo iniziato la seconda parte del corso di fotografia.
Il tema delle cinque lezioni in cui sarà articolato il corso, è la composizione dell'immagine fotografica.
In mid-afternoon I was able to spend almost two hours to preparing the garden.
Immediately after lunch he came to see my brother, so I took the opportunity to start the fence.
With the auger motor I made the holes for the poles that will support the network.
Visto il gran numero di animali che girano per Pierino, ho pensato utile proteggere la verdura che metterò nell'orto.
A Pierino la tramontana non si sente molto, smorzata dagli alberi del bosco, ma il freddo era ugualmente pungente.
Questa sera, con il comitato del BuccianoFotoDiarioFestival abbiamo iniziato la seconda parte del corso di fotografia.
Il tema delle cinque lezioni in cui sarà articolato il corso, è la composizione dell'immagine fotografica.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Angela Pitts Calendar
Non ho idea di come si chiami questo fiore.
branched root has a bulb, I tried to transplant the wall above the piazzalino of Peter, who knows ...
I discovered along the way, descending from San Miniato, after visiting the cemetery.
The blinding light of noon on the first Sunday in March, was taken down on a lawn of a field along the road from the hills down to the villagers.
Some poplars he covered his sight, but the purplish pink petals of these flowers wild, piercing through the branches still bare.
Patches of brightly colored pale green grass.
I stopped, and in addition to photos, I picked a small bunch, which still smelled like tonight, in a vase on the kitchen table.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Tan After Eyebrow Waxing
the vegetable preparations
I finally finished removing the portion of the greenhouse I had decided to dispose of.
morning Daniel and his brother came to take away the last pieces.
Before leaving, I helped position the plugging of molded fiberglass on the back of the hut.
That afternoon I finished setting with the help of Agnes.
I even finished cleaning the space freed from the greenhouse, and I gave an initial milling to the floor to level it.
So I placed the pickets at the holes I have to do to put the poles of the fence.
Pierino were falling on the first shadows of evening, when, while I enjoyed the sight of the land to my new vegetable garden, has a thin rain began to fall.
I finally finished removing the portion of the greenhouse I had decided to dispose of.
morning Daniel and his brother came to take away the last pieces.
Before leaving, I helped position the plugging of molded fiberglass on the back of the hut.
That afternoon I finished setting with the help of Agnes.
I even finished cleaning the space freed from the greenhouse, and I gave an initial milling to the floor to level it.
So I placed the pickets at the holes I have to do to put the poles of the fence.
Pierino were falling on the first shadows of evening, when, while I enjoyed the sight of the land to my new vegetable garden, has a thin rain began to fall.
Friday, March 4, 2011
What Cervical Mucus Looks Like When Pregnant
Damn how long was that I happened to see a turkey.
I remembered when I was little, I had 4-5 years.
was a time when farm animals, were in the yard, not locked up behind the net of a chicken coop.
The day the animals turned in the yard, the network of the garden, the dung of rabbits, the lodge of the hut, the clearing in front of the house, along the roadside.
I did not understand how could they not lost, not to take the resole along the vine and disappear.
How did they get to peck worms along the ditch and not go further, do not be curious to see how far that hole.
I did not understand how could they be in front of the door of the house just at the exact moment when my mother or my aunts come to open it and returned for the night.
There was the guinea fowl, dwarf the changes, the papal goose, turkey and then chickens roosters and capons, and from time to time file of chicks.
And as a child, when I was 4-5 years, I remember that I was afraid of the turkey, with that big red head of its glu-glu. I was scared because when I happened to pass by dovergli, he loaded me. And then I start to run, and the geese saw me running, that's immediately put to sneezing and running after them, too, excessively stretching their already more than long-neck, holding open the beak. What
races, and palpitations. Then
growing, I started to play with the glu-glu and the shrill voice of the geese. I did the run in spite.
Damn how long was that I happened to see a turkey.
I remembered when I was little, I had 4-5 years.
was a time when farm animals, were in the yard, not locked up behind the net of a chicken coop.
The day the animals turned in the yard, the network of the garden, the dung of rabbits, the lodge of the hut, the clearing in front of the house, along the roadside.
I did not understand how could they not lost, not to take the resole along the vine and disappear.
How did they get to peck worms along the ditch and not go further, do not be curious to see how far that hole.
I did not understand how could they be in front of the door of the house just at the exact moment when my mother or my aunts come to open it and returned for the night.
There was the guinea fowl, dwarf the changes, the papal goose, turkey and then chickens roosters and capons, and from time to time file of chicks.
And as a child, when I was 4-5 years, I remember that I was afraid of the turkey, with that big red head of its glu-glu. I was scared because when I happened to pass by dovergli, he loaded me. And then I start to run, and the geese saw me running, that's immediately put to sneezing and running after them, too, excessively stretching their already more than long-neck, holding open the beak. What
races, and palpitations. Then
growing, I started to play with the glu-glu and the shrill voice of the geese. I did the run in spite.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Celiac Disease. More Condition_symptoms
test page I
I had mounted an idea. There was a portion wall, white and empty for too long, too long and I thought about.
Then came a picture, who runs away from the usual fire when you least expect it. What is not ready, what are the street when the road does not look at it, but I lose to look elsewhere.
What to make brake suddenly with a glance at the rearview mirror.
That maybe I go back a few feet back, or I'll stop there, quattrofrecce and go downstairs.
Then I think about, I start to do some 'accounts in mind, perhaps the evening before going to sleep, then in the morning to put on a clean piece of paper while I eat breakfast.
I think a framed picture in relief, perhaps broken in pieces.
Then I take the piece of paper with calculations, prepare the file and brought it to Francis. We print the photo with the car of the Festival. It turns out a photo 40x116.
Then we start to think about the material, take the metro, take measures and redo the calculations.
order of 21 black plastic panels of 13.3 x 15 cm, 9 1 high, and a white panel 50x125 cm, 5 high 0.5.
Francis called me the other day, the panels have arrived.
This morning I got up earlier, and I loaded into the car, in addition to the baby books, panels and pictures.
After leaving the child in school, I stopped in mesticheria to take the tape, and then I went to San Miniato, and I stopped by Franco Palagina, the friend printer.
I took out the photo and I explained how I wanted it to be cut Sauro. We have taken measures and rebuilt the accounts together, and we cut the picture into 21 pieces.
Then I pulled out my stuff and I began to assemble "the picture".
while applying the tape on pieces of plastic, friends printers continued their work.
Apply the pieces of photos, the pieces of plastic, was a much simpler, in fact. As a support to the double-sided photo paper, they will immediately attack, so I had to be careful.
attack all the pieces, I did a first test to see what was the right distance between the pieces to get a good effect broken down. I suggested a little 'with Franco, and eventually, between 10 and 8 mm, I chose the second measure.
So I went to the stage of drawing the map. I drew on the white panel, a network of lines that define the position of each Tocchetto, with its space between each one. Pencil and ruler. Finished drawing the grid went in stationery to take a good tire, tulle and I deleted the lines that were not covered by the pieces.
last stage, the attachment of the pieces on the white panel. I tried using hot glue with the gun of typography. The pieces were attached very firm, but even here I must be very precise in laying the Tocchetto panel. This is because the glue was taken very quickly and the move possible, to adjust the position was reduced to a millimeter or so, and within the first 5-10 seconds.
I also tried to use the PVA glue, but the drying time was too long, I really do not even know what, since then I've done everything with hot glue.
The result was amazing.
I ready for the idea to capitalize on this test. The photo
(decomposed / reconstructed) of the last sunset of the previous year, on the shape of Cigoli, will cover a bit 'of the white wall.
But this "system" will use it to make my next show. Working on pictures of the "Night of San Miniato."
But I must make it a little 'more industrial part of the building reconstructed, because this morning it took me three hours!
I had mounted an idea. There was a portion wall, white and empty for too long, too long and I thought about.
Then came a picture, who runs away from the usual fire when you least expect it. What is not ready, what are the street when the road does not look at it, but I lose to look elsewhere.
What to make brake suddenly with a glance at the rearview mirror.
That maybe I go back a few feet back, or I'll stop there, quattrofrecce and go downstairs.
Then I think about, I start to do some 'accounts in mind, perhaps the evening before going to sleep, then in the morning to put on a clean piece of paper while I eat breakfast.
I think a framed picture in relief, perhaps broken in pieces.
Then I take the piece of paper with calculations, prepare the file and brought it to Francis. We print the photo with the car of the Festival. It turns out a photo 40x116.
Then we start to think about the material, take the metro, take measures and redo the calculations.
order of 21 black plastic panels of 13.3 x 15 cm, 9 1 high, and a white panel 50x125 cm, 5 high 0.5.
Francis called me the other day, the panels have arrived.
This morning I got up earlier, and I loaded into the car, in addition to the baby books, panels and pictures.
After leaving the child in school, I stopped in mesticheria to take the tape, and then I went to San Miniato, and I stopped by Franco Palagina, the friend printer.
I took out the photo and I explained how I wanted it to be cut Sauro. We have taken measures and rebuilt the accounts together, and we cut the picture into 21 pieces.
Then I pulled out my stuff and I began to assemble "the picture".
while applying the tape on pieces of plastic, friends printers continued their work.
Apply the pieces of photos, the pieces of plastic, was a much simpler, in fact. As a support to the double-sided photo paper, they will immediately attack, so I had to be careful.
attack all the pieces, I did a first test to see what was the right distance between the pieces to get a good effect broken down. I suggested a little 'with Franco, and eventually, between 10 and 8 mm, I chose the second measure.
So I went to the stage of drawing the map. I drew on the white panel, a network of lines that define the position of each Tocchetto, with its space between each one. Pencil and ruler. Finished drawing the grid went in stationery to take a good tire, tulle and I deleted the lines that were not covered by the pieces.
last stage, the attachment of the pieces on the white panel. I tried using hot glue with the gun of typography. The pieces were attached very firm, but even here I must be very precise in laying the Tocchetto panel. This is because the glue was taken very quickly and the move possible, to adjust the position was reduced to a millimeter or so, and within the first 5-10 seconds.
I also tried to use the PVA glue, but the drying time was too long, I really do not even know what, since then I've done everything with hot glue.
The result was amazing.
I ready for the idea to capitalize on this test. The photo
(decomposed / reconstructed) of the last sunset of the previous year, on the shape of Cigoli, will cover a bit 'of the white wall.
But this "system" will use it to make my next show. Working on pictures of the "Night of San Miniato."
But I must make it a little 'more industrial part of the building reconstructed, because this morning it took me three hours!
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