Sunday, March 1, 2009

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The crisis comes in the Euro zone - Ireland and Greece to risk failure

Da alcune settimane circola nei palazzi del potere economico europeo la seria preoccupazione del fallimento di due paesi della'area dell'Euro ossia Grecia e Irlanda. Il primo paese in particolare si trova ad affrontare in prima linea la crisi bancaria dell'est Europa a cui si va ad aggiungere un aumento incontrollato della spesa corrente a causa di un governo ormai prossimo alle votazioni sempre piĆ¹ in crisi di consenso .
Le due economie although devices undermine the whole area as net debtors especially in Germany, which would be in a liquidity crisis, and from there the detonator of the entire continental economy.
The big 4: ITALY, GERMANY, FRANCE AND UK are now pushing for the establishment of a European economic government with taxing powers to intervene in these cases (that was unthinkable 6 months ago). The whole pace of fiscal federalism much-trumpeted by the league that will have to update his sayings: from Rome to thieving Bruxell ladrona.Buttare down from the castle is a Euro country would cost too much and jeopardize the entire castle. All
in order to preserve economic stability of the entire euro area and the entire global economy (40% of the global economy is the EU).
One road will now quickly deal with the EU in the shortest time, complete the European integration policy and create a European government with powers to supra-national model Usa.L 'alternative would be the destruction of 60 years of work and set a dangerous in ruins of the old continent.

Antonio Di Gilio


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