Perchè credo nel progetto della SEL e no nel nuovo PCI
The new party / list of PDCI and PRC aims to build an anti-capitalist party and workers an alternative to the left and right today in the Italian political system.
So far I have heard slogan disparate materials without identifying the least means to achieve that end. The old PCI
before the fall of the wall could scream in the streets an economic model that appear to be working and that guaranteed social welfare. The USSR and its socialism was the mirage of a different and better society in which every citizen should aspire and companion. Today we discovered that the economic system has failed and that the welfare and social equality could be obtained at the cost of selling their freedom of thought and espressione.Insomma communism is far from ideal and the real one as if to emphasize the great perfection of the system, and even Cube China has failed miserably in the projects. Today
comrades who have decided to revive that dream
have forgotten the state of things and decided to follow in the old slogan, not the least put into question what history has decreed a loser and I wait for an illusory revolution proletaria.Tuttavia the redundancy old adage "those who live in despair with hope dies".
It is time that Marx's Capital to the old fellow began to read the contributions of many economists, who has been questioning the capitalist system and identify effective strategies from the Copernican revolution in economics.
Words like Islam should not only bring in the minds of Western images of the burqa or terrorists but also of the credit. The credit
Islamic finance depart from a different view and rivoluzionaria.La Bank can not claim a profit and return on capital for speculative and bandita.Non is no coincidence that while Western banks go bankrupt one after the other ( in the U.S. we are at 21), increase funding and see the Islamic collection.
theories that see the decrease in the ability of local di fare scelte economicamente efficienti (dai Gal alla capacità di auto-prodursi l'energia) sono la cartina tornasole di una concezione di sviluppo non legate alle multinazionali e a pochi potentati globali. Estirpare la concezione della Growthmania nelle menti dei politici e della gente e la nuova lotta rivoluzionaria senza spargimenti di sangue.Il sistema va distrutto con le armi dell'intelligenza e di una seria critica al sistema senza dover ripresentare modelli già falliti.Nell'antropologia umana non è cambiato nulla da indurci a pensare che andrà meglio.
Per questo credo molto nella lista della "Sinistra e libertà", soltanto mettendo in discussione il nostro passato cogliendone gli elementi migliori è possibile tornare culturalmente hegemonic in our beloved Italy
Antonio Di Gilio
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