Monday, February 28, 2011
Stream Kates Playground
A few kilometers from the motocross track is Peter Santa Barbara.
Yesterday, we ran the first of four stages of the Italian International Motocross Championships 2011.
The next, all in March, will be held in Faenza (RA), Crawley (MC) and Gazzane of Preseglie (BS)
Since the beginning of the week's organizers had set up the signs with directions to the facility sports, and the location and relative construction of parking lots, made in the fields bordering the road for Motocross.
In recent days, a little thought about going to see, I had it done.
But yesterday, already by 10 am it was raining. So I thought it was not the case.
Today, time for lunch, I passed in front of the track, and I stopped to browse.
There was still some trucks and a few foreign teams of riders and campers.
did not come down even by car, everywhere there was a thick layer of mud and puddles.
Parking areas showed the deep furrows in the mud. I wonder how did they get out of it yesterday, I wondered.
The track then appeared devastated.
Tonight I started to browse the web if there was any image of the race.
I found a movie on a blog ( ).
In the video, from which I took these pictures, you see the hell of mud in which the contestants have competed.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Church Anniversary Quotes
the construction of the drainage trench
Con Daniele ed Alessandro ci siamo messi nell'impresa di realizzare l'ormai famosa trincea drenante a difesa della scarpata, lungo la strada che porta da casa alla capanna.
Il progetto prevedeva la realizzazione di uno scavo profondo circa 3-3,5 metri, e lungo circa 20-25 metri, che avrebbe dovuto girare a monte della scarpata, e la posa di un tessuto drenante che ho acquistato direttamente dalla Harpo, società triestina specializzata in prodotti per l'edilizia, l'ingegneria civile ed ambientale, un materiale chiamato ENKADRAIN.
Dopo poche bennate di escavatore, a poco più di 2 metri di profondità, abbiamo intercettato la vena d'acqua che tiene unstable ridge. The fall saw the water plentiful.
Continuing the excavation, after a few meters, the nature of the ground has changed completely. Initially the ground was mostly made up of mixed predominantly silty, the structure is very loose, cracked like a real sponge, with strong organic presence. At a depth of about 3 feet, there was a clayey bank.
In further digging, we found a very compact formation consists of sands tufacce that became more compact in continuing the excavation. And now after just over a meter of excavation in this training, the excavator began to be very difficult dealing with people.
was clear he had no sense to keep digging within the block of tuff. Especially since the top of the excavation, the most immediately surface, denoted the presence of a first layer of soil "moved" mixed with predominantly silty, separated from the tuff formation of a series of close-up nature strips of clay, which made waterproof tufa.
We ran an essay further upstream along the line of the excavation project, and we found, at the same depth, the same soil type.
so I decided to change the project and limit the construction of the first trench drained tratto realizzato.
Nel frattempo, il primo tratto realizzato ha iniziato a franare. Le pareti, assolutamente destrutturate, appesantite dall'acqua, più venivano toccate, più crollavano.
Abbiamo faticato un po' a creare una trincia stabile.
Poi abbiamo montato la barriera drenante e l'abbiamo inserita nello scavo, e poi lo abbiamo riempito.
La base della trincea si è trovata ad essere al disotto del piano stradale, e quindi ho dovuto modificare anche il progetto discharge of the trench, which could no longer be in the pit at the base of the escarpment, but where to be conducted down the street.
Yesterday morning we shall arrange for the trench, and this morning we made the crossing of the road and unloading of the trench.
the night there was a fact I would say "strange".
While yesterday the water went out only from the vein in this trench. This morning you could see even from a drain water out of a drain at a few meters along the ridge of a mountain road. Since I've seen here in Pierino water out of the tube only after the last landslide occurred on 17 last year. Before I had not seen water out of that tube, so that I was wondering what to do.
little while ago I went to check. Tailpipe of the trench drained out a thin trickle of water, while the old pipe out much more water.
probably already past the landslide of 17 had partially broken the vein of water present in the body of the escarpment, so that water flowed in part from a gap formed on the slope, and some had taken out of the drainage tube probably made in order to detect precisely that vein.
The realization of the trench and filling it should have again changed the course of the vein, possibly interrupting, or obstructing, the report to function the old drainage.
Mah ..
We'll see, while there I stopped, 2 / 3 of drainage material I purchased.
However, the construction of the trench was an opportunity to demolish the portion of the emissions no longer required as a tool shed.
soon as the weather (air pollution and occupational), allow me, in the space previously occupied by the greenhouse will fulfill my garden.
Con Daniele ed Alessandro ci siamo messi nell'impresa di realizzare l'ormai famosa trincea drenante a difesa della scarpata, lungo la strada che porta da casa alla capanna.
Il progetto prevedeva la realizzazione di uno scavo profondo circa 3-3,5 metri, e lungo circa 20-25 metri, che avrebbe dovuto girare a monte della scarpata, e la posa di un tessuto drenante che ho acquistato direttamente dalla Harpo, società triestina specializzata in prodotti per l'edilizia, l'ingegneria civile ed ambientale, un materiale chiamato ENKADRAIN.
Dopo poche bennate di escavatore, a poco più di 2 metri di profondità, abbiamo intercettato la vena d'acqua che tiene unstable ridge. The fall saw the water plentiful.
Continuing the excavation, after a few meters, the nature of the ground has changed completely. Initially the ground was mostly made up of mixed predominantly silty, the structure is very loose, cracked like a real sponge, with strong organic presence. At a depth of about 3 feet, there was a clayey bank.
In further digging, we found a very compact formation consists of sands tufacce that became more compact in continuing the excavation. And now after just over a meter of excavation in this training, the excavator began to be very difficult dealing with people.
was clear he had no sense to keep digging within the block of tuff. Especially since the top of the excavation, the most immediately surface, denoted the presence of a first layer of soil "moved" mixed with predominantly silty, separated from the tuff formation of a series of close-up nature strips of clay, which made waterproof tufa.
We ran an essay further upstream along the line of the excavation project, and we found, at the same depth, the same soil type.
so I decided to change the project and limit the construction of the first trench drained tratto realizzato.
Nel frattempo, il primo tratto realizzato ha iniziato a franare. Le pareti, assolutamente destrutturate, appesantite dall'acqua, più venivano toccate, più crollavano.
Abbiamo faticato un po' a creare una trincia stabile.
Poi abbiamo montato la barriera drenante e l'abbiamo inserita nello scavo, e poi lo abbiamo riempito.
La base della trincea si è trovata ad essere al disotto del piano stradale, e quindi ho dovuto modificare anche il progetto discharge of the trench, which could no longer be in the pit at the base of the escarpment, but where to be conducted down the street.
Yesterday morning we shall arrange for the trench, and this morning we made the crossing of the road and unloading of the trench.
the night there was a fact I would say "strange".
While yesterday the water went out only from the vein in this trench. This morning you could see even from a drain water out of a drain at a few meters along the ridge of a mountain road. Since I've seen here in Pierino water out of the tube only after the last landslide occurred on 17 last year. Before I had not seen water out of that tube, so that I was wondering what to do.
little while ago I went to check. Tailpipe of the trench drained out a thin trickle of water, while the old pipe out much more water.
probably already past the landslide of 17 had partially broken the vein of water present in the body of the escarpment, so that water flowed in part from a gap formed on the slope, and some had taken out of the drainage tube probably made in order to detect precisely that vein.
The realization of the trench and filling it should have again changed the course of the vein, possibly interrupting, or obstructing, the report to function the old drainage.
Mah ..
We'll see, while there I stopped, 2 / 3 of drainage material I purchased.
However, the construction of the trench was an opportunity to demolish the portion of the emissions no longer required as a tool shed.
soon as the weather (air pollution and occupational), allow me, in the space previously occupied by the greenhouse will fulfill my garden.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Kates Playground Strawberry Bikni
the volleyball game
Sports Hall of Ponte a Egola.
Tonight the girls of Paul, the women's volleyball team of the Casa Cultural POL San Miniato Basso, who dispute in the interprovincial championship series D, who played volleyball against Fucecchio.
a kind of derby ...
The game is over 3 to 1 on the team coached by Paul.
Sports Hall of Ponte a Egola.
Tonight the girls of Paul, the women's volleyball team of the Casa Cultural POL San Miniato Basso, who dispute in the interprovincial championship series D, who played volleyball against Fucecchio.
a kind of derby ...
The game is over 3 to 1 on the team coached by Paul.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Input Stack Size 5000 Latex
the two-way farming
morning in Brescia.
There was once a special world, who lived locked up in the courts of the farms. The owner at the villa, which had the front on the road, and a side road that ran along the side of the farm that stretched to the fields, with the walls that had windows only, without even a door. In the opposite corner was leaving the stall, and above it, often, the barn. Turning again, turning the third corner, there was the barn and the door that led into the court. In the middle was a threshing floor brick which opened the doors of the lodges and farms inhabited by the settlers.
morning you hear a bell tolling, deaf, in the glare of sun grazing, which cuts through the mist valley.
The court of the farm is empty and silent. The Hague brick is covered by a blanket of mud. Not
si capisce per chi suona la campana, la villa padronale è scurita, le persiane corrose, la porta sbarrata.
Le logge sono ingombre di cose vecchie, coperte di polvere resa fango dall'umidità dell'inverno.
Le porte delle cascine dei coloni, alcune sono aperte, ma dentro è vuoto, buio.
Anche le vacche non vivono più in cascina. Si sono trasferite anche loro.
La loro stalla è appena fuori il cascinale, costruita in uno di quelli che erano i campi attorno.
Oggi, in epoca di quote latte, l'allevatore è pensieroso.
Ha vacche che sono autentiche macchine da latte, con mammelle swollen to make an impression, which leave tens of liters of milk twice a day. Look at his grooms
Indians, who lined up the cows toward the milking parlor.
View feeders filled, and the cows that eat forage.
morning in Brescia.
There was once a special world, who lived locked up in the courts of the farms. The owner at the villa, which had the front on the road, and a side road that ran along the side of the farm that stretched to the fields, with the walls that had windows only, without even a door. In the opposite corner was leaving the stall, and above it, often, the barn. Turning again, turning the third corner, there was the barn and the door that led into the court. In the middle was a threshing floor brick which opened the doors of the lodges and farms inhabited by the settlers.
morning you hear a bell tolling, deaf, in the glare of sun grazing, which cuts through the mist valley.
The court of the farm is empty and silent. The Hague brick is covered by a blanket of mud. Not
si capisce per chi suona la campana, la villa padronale è scurita, le persiane corrose, la porta sbarrata.
Le logge sono ingombre di cose vecchie, coperte di polvere resa fango dall'umidità dell'inverno.
Le porte delle cascine dei coloni, alcune sono aperte, ma dentro è vuoto, buio.
Anche le vacche non vivono più in cascina. Si sono trasferite anche loro.
La loro stalla è appena fuori il cascinale, costruita in uno di quelli che erano i campi attorno.
Oggi, in epoca di quote latte, l'allevatore è pensieroso.
Ha vacche che sono autentiche macchine da latte, con mammelle swollen to make an impression, which leave tens of liters of milk twice a day. Look at his grooms
Indians, who lined up the cows toward the milking parlor.
View feeders filled, and the cows that eat forage.
Watch box stuffed well.
Watch the manure scraped from the litter, and slip into the pre-tank sewage.
I see the thoughtful farmer.
Watch the manure scraped from the litter, and slip into the pre-tank sewage.
I see the thoughtful farmer.
thought and cows that are lined up to the parlor, but the eye is there, the pile of manure.
And then turns. Throw my gaze to the feed hopper, he heard the motor drives.
The manure from his cows are entering the digester, the bacteria will find well-fed, which will transform the volatile organic carbon present in manure and slurry in a gas rich in methane.
And this methane-rich gas, called biogas, run engines that generate electricity to sell to the network.
E 'double off the farm. It is impressive to take the state by Orzinovi Manerbio, right and left of the road is a succession barns and domes biodigester.
The farmer is thoughtful.
Today, with the current costs of fodder, milk producing loses money, but the cows do not produce only milk, but also manure and slurry, are their natural "needs."
One has the impression that it is thanks to the cow shit now the farmer stands.
And then turns. Throw my gaze to the feed hopper, he heard the motor drives.
The manure from his cows are entering the digester, the bacteria will find well-fed, which will transform the volatile organic carbon present in manure and slurry in a gas rich in methane.
And this methane-rich gas, called biogas, run engines that generate electricity to sell to the network.
E 'double off the farm. It is impressive to take the state by Orzinovi Manerbio, right and left of the road is a succession barns and domes biodigester.
The farmer is thoughtful.
Today, with the current costs of fodder, milk producing loses money, but the cows do not produce only milk, but also manure and slurry, are their natural "needs."
One has the impression that it is thanks to the cow shit now the farmer stands.
And this makes thoughtful ...
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