Friday, February 25, 2011

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the two-way farming

morning in Brescia.
There was once a special world, who lived locked up in the courts of the farms. The owner at the villa, which had the front on the road, and a side road that ran along the side of the farm that stretched to the fields, with the walls that had windows only, without even a door. In the opposite corner was leaving the stall, and above it, often, the barn. Turning again, turning the third corner, there was the barn and the door that led into the court. In the middle was a threshing floor brick which opened the doors of the lodges and farms inhabited by the settlers.

morning you hear a bell tolling, deaf, in the glare of sun grazing, which cuts through the mist valley.
The court of the farm is empty and silent. The Hague brick is covered by a blanket of mud. Not
si capisce per chi suona la campana, la villa padronale è scurita, le persiane corrose, la porta sbarrata.
Le logge sono ingombre di cose vecchie, coperte di polvere resa fango dall'umidità dell'inverno.
Le porte delle cascine dei coloni, alcune sono aperte, ma dentro è vuoto, buio.
Anche le vacche non vivono più in cascina. Si sono trasferite anche loro.
La loro stalla è appena fuori il cascinale, costruita in uno di quelli che erano i campi attorno.

Oggi, in epoca di quote latte, l'allevatore è pensieroso.

Ha vacche che sono autentiche macchine da latte, con mammelle swollen to make an impression, which leave tens of liters of milk twice a day. Look at his grooms
Indians, who lined up the cows toward the milking parlor.
View feeders filled, and the cows that eat forage.
Watch box stuffed well.

Watch the manure scraped from the litter, and slip into the pre-tank sewage.
I see the thoughtful farmer.
thought and cows that are lined up to the parlor, but the eye is there, the pile of manure.

And then turns. Throw my gaze to the feed hopper, he heard the motor drives.
The manure from his cows are entering the digester, the bacteria will find well-fed, which will transform the volatile organic carbon present in manure and slurry in a gas rich in methane.
And this methane-rich gas, called biogas, run engines that generate electricity to sell to the network.

E 'double off the farm. It is impressive to take the state by Orzinovi Manerbio, right and left of the road is a succession barns and domes biodigester.

The farmer is thoughtful.
Today, with the current costs of fodder, milk producing loses money, but the cows do not produce only milk, but also manure and slurry, are their natural "needs."
One has the impression that it is thanks to the cow shit now the farmer stands.
And this makes thoughtful ...


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