Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Were To By A Opti Sailboat

seems to me a '48

far this year is a succession, almost continuously, passing through the upheavals, in waves, the nations of North Africa Mediterranean. Like a schizophrenic risiko, the various Arab governments, from the Maghreb to the Arabian Peninsula, are shaken by popular uprisings.
will be a bit 'of history that I'm rereading a few months ago, going to move up in my old attic encyclopedic publication entitled "The Renaissance", edited by Lucio Villari for "The Library of the Republic-L'Espresso", published in 2007 is the 150th anniversary of the Italian Unification, but what is happening to me it looks like a '48 Maghreb.

The wave of bourgeois revolutions that shook Europe in plaster from the Restoration (1814), in 1848, is identified with the term "Spring of Peoples". And this spring it started right in the heart of the Mediterranean, as the first European unrest of 1848 is represented by the Sicilian revolution of independence.
Despite its peripheral to the Continent, had some influence within the Italian peninsula. The uprising led in fact the Sicilian island to independence, the Bourbons to grant a constitution and the example was soon followed by the Bourbon Carlo Alberto of Savoy and Leopold II, who in fact conceded a constitution before outbreak of the uprising in Paris.
The fuse that ignited the rest of Europe, was represented by the "campaign of the banquets" that led to a revolution in Paris on February 22 to 24, involving the whole of Europe, with the exception of Victorian England, where previous reforms had pacified the middle class.

the factors leading to this situation were of course many.
But by going to analyze, I find many similarities with the circumstances of our group.
In '48, both reformist bourgeois radicals found themselves confronted with a reality anachronistic, the result of the conclusions reached during the Congress of Vienna.
Today are mainly young people and students Maghreb, which gained an awareness of how the rest of the world has dealt with and resolved by the end of the bipolar world, opening up space to the globalization of markets, and individual aspirations, their countries are still anachronistically to to be ruled by elites established themselves in bipolar postcolonialism.

In 1848, in terms of social change in daily life caused by the first industrial revolution and the spread of newspapers favored the rise of the ideals of nationalism and social justice even in the less educated masses. The economic recession of 1846-47, then, was the straw that broke il vaso.
Oggi, con il cambiamento dei costumi generato soprattutto dalle nuove esperienze che i maghrebini hanno avuto occasione di fare, con l'emigrazione verso i ricchi paesi europei, e soprattutto la diffusione delle nuove tecnologie di informazione, la televisione ed internet su tutte, hanno consentito la diffusione di una maggiore consapevolezza anche nella popolazione più umile. La crisi economica di questi ultimi anni ha poi esasperato la condizione di estrema povertà di gran parte del nordAfrica mediterraneo.

Per quanto i moti del '48 furono sedati abbastanza velocemente, le vittime furono decine di migliaia.
Gli storici, oggi, concordano che la "primavera dei popoli" fu, alla fin end, especially a bloody failure.
There were however some significant long-term effects.
Germany and Italy would soon arrive unification relying on the need for self-determination of peoples. Similarly
Hungary would have reached a partial recognition of their autonomy.
In Prussia and Austria was abolished feudalism, while Russia was eliminated serfdom.

Who knows what will come out of this '48 Maghreb?
will be an Arab Renaissance?
Meanwhile we're worried about gas, and I have not read anywhere a few hints to my analogy.
Who knows? maybe I'm wrong, and should I limit myself to worry about gas.
But what do you want me to do, I am here in Peter, the gas did not use it ...

photos that accompany this post, I made on July 9 last year, the Museum of Marsala Garibaldi.
The Garibaldi Museum is a permanent exhibition of relics dating back to the Risorgimento, which is located within the monument complex San Pietro.
In the halls of the museum was reconstructed a fascinating history that includes art-vintage clothing, uniforms and weapons of a Thousand, original documents, a vast collection of photographs and even a chair in damask, on which rested after Garibaldi the landing at Marsala.


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