Sunday, February 27, 2011

Church Anniversary Quotes

the construction of the drainage trench

Con Daniele ed Alessandro ci siamo messi nell'impresa di realizzare l'ormai famosa trincea drenante a difesa della scarpata, lungo la strada che porta da casa alla capanna.

Il progetto prevedeva la realizzazione di uno scavo profondo circa 3-3,5 metri, e lungo circa 20-25 metri, che avrebbe dovuto girare a monte della scarpata, e la posa di un tessuto drenante che ho acquistato direttamente dalla Harpo, società triestina specializzata in prodotti per l'edilizia, l'ingegneria civile ed ambientale, un materiale chiamato ENKADRAIN.

Dopo poche bennate di escavatore, a poco più di 2 metri di profondità, abbiamo intercettato la vena d'acqua che tiene unstable ridge. The fall saw the water plentiful.

Continuing the excavation, after a few meters, the nature of the ground has changed completely. Initially the ground was mostly made up of mixed predominantly silty, the structure is very loose, cracked like a real sponge, with strong organic presence. At a depth of about 3 feet, there was a clayey bank.
In further digging, we found a very compact formation consists of sands tufacce that became more compact in continuing the excavation. And now after just over a meter of excavation in this training, the excavator began to be very difficult dealing with people.
was clear he had no sense to keep digging within the block of tuff. Especially since the top of the excavation, the most immediately surface, denoted the presence of a first layer of soil "moved" mixed with predominantly silty, separated from the tuff formation of a series of close-up nature strips of clay, which made waterproof tufa.

We ran an essay further upstream along the line of the excavation project, and we found, at the same depth, the same soil type.
so I decided to change the project and limit the construction of the first trench drained tratto realizzato.

Nel frattempo, il primo tratto realizzato ha iniziato a franare. Le pareti, assolutamente destrutturate, appesantite dall'acqua, più venivano toccate, più crollavano.
Abbiamo faticato un po' a creare una trincia stabile.
Poi abbiamo montato la barriera drenante e l'abbiamo inserita nello scavo, e poi lo abbiamo riempito.

La base della trincea si è trovata ad essere al disotto del piano stradale, e quindi ho dovuto modificare anche il progetto discharge of the trench, which could no longer be in the pit at the base of the escarpment, but where to be conducted down the street.

Yesterday morning we shall arrange for the trench, and this morning we made the crossing of the road and unloading of the trench.
the night there was a fact I would say "strange".
While yesterday the water went out only from the vein in this trench. This morning you could see even from a drain water out of a drain at a few meters along the ridge of a mountain road. Since I've seen here in Pierino water out of the tube only after the last landslide occurred on 17 last year. Before I had not seen water out of that tube, so that I was wondering what to do.

little while ago I went to check. Tailpipe of the trench drained out a thin trickle of water, while the old pipe out much more water.

probably already past the landslide of 17 had partially broken the vein of water present in the body of the escarpment, so that water flowed in part from a gap formed on the slope, and some had taken out of the drainage tube probably made in order to detect precisely that vein.
The realization of the trench and filling it should have again changed the course of the vein, possibly interrupting, or obstructing, the report to function the old drainage.
Mah ..
We'll see, while there I stopped, 2 / 3 of drainage material I purchased.
However, the construction of the trench was an opportunity to demolish the portion of the emissions no longer required as a tool shed.

soon as the weather (air pollution and occupational), allow me, in the space previously occupied by the greenhouse will fulfill my garden.


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