What's behind the election of Pugliese? The mark left
The attitude of the Mayor Emily would definitely not make sense if the whole issue was not seen as a piece of a game of national character. What's behind a newly elected mayor, one of the most popular for a few weeks ago that political suicide? Just the story of the polls to make this credible?
I think not. Emily knows about losing the primaries (there is no voter Bari he would not satisfy him for his phrase "I will spit in my eye if I will not support Vendola). All candidates for the office of the Democratic Party had promised that the Congress would support Nichi , eating a few months after the word. The people have been totally betrayed. And we get to the question. Why splitting the base of the Democratic Party, destroy the center-left, destroy the credibility of every 10 hours Emiliano says something different? Only an application and more likely to win? I think these few days are enough to give the losing candidate PD.Vendola right now from three options: either to be told the reasons for the gap to step aside, or you go to primary or obviously he is the candidatoAllora why?.
at stake in fact is the deal with the SVP at the national level. Perhaps offering the candidacy of a member of the UDC in the forthcoming elections in Bari (depends on whether Emily a few months, I think more likely, or in 5 years) and destroying at once the two former Nichi brothers and Michael. The great puppeteer have understood all. Once again they make a decision without his host. People will always be one step ahead of the political game and in my opinion is no longer the survival of the center-left in Puglia, but the annihilation of the same PD that in a fully autonomous manner opted for suicide. While the usual politucoli have to reckon with the calculator, people have already decided what to do.
Antonio Di Gilio
Adelaide (BA)
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Disco Imagine Puntacana
The official website of LEFT ECOLOGY AND FREEDOM 'ADELFIA change the site
The official website of LEFT ECOLOGY AND FREEDOM 'ADELFIA change the site
The official website of LEFT ECOLOGY AND FREEDOM 'ADELFIA change the site
Sunday, November 29, 2009
How To Get Trichomoniasis More Condition_symptoms
What does the word of God is served at this
Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a popular American radio journalist, in its transmission dispenses advice to people who call. Some time ago, Laura said that homosexuality, according to the Bible (Lev.18: 22) is an abomination, and can not be tolerated under any circumstances.
The following is a letter to Dr. Laura Schlessinger.
Dear Dr. Schlessinger, I am writing to thank you for your educational work on the laws of the Lord. I learned a great deal from your program, and I try to share that knowledge with as many people as possible. Now, when someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it is an abomination.
End of discussion.
But I need some advice from you, in respect of other specific laws and how to apply.
I would sell my daughter into slavery, as stated in Exodus (21:7). What do you think would be a good selling price?
When I turn on the sacrificial altar and a fire will burn a bull, I know from the scriptures that it produces a pleasant aroma to the Lord (Lev.1.9). The problem is with my neighbors: they, the blasphemous claim that the odor is not pleasant. I not struck?
I know I can have contact with a woman while she is menstruating (Lev.15: 19-24.). The problem is how do I tell? Molte donne s’offendono.
Il Levitico ai versi 25:44 afferma che potrei possedere degli schiavi, sia maschi che femmine, a patto che essi siano acquistati in nazioni straniere.
Un mio amico afferma che questo si può fare con i filippini, ma non con i francesi. Può farmi capire meglio? Perché non posso possedere schiavi francesi?
Un mio vicino insiste per lavorare di Sabato. Esodo 35:2 dice chiaramente che dovrebbe essere messo a morte. Sono moralmente obbligato ad ucciderlo personalmente?
Un mio amico ha la sensazione che anche se mangiare crostacei è considerato un abominio (Lev. 11:10), lo sia meno dell’omosessualità. Non sono affatto d’accordo. Può illuminarci on this issue?
Also on the verse Leviticus 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have defective eyesight. I have to admit that I use reading glasses ... my vision have to be 10/10 or is there some wiggle room here?
Many of my male friends shave their hair, including those near the temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by the Bible (Lev 19:27). How should they die?
Also in Leviticus (11:6-8) stated that touching the skin of dead pig makes me unclean. To play football so I have to wear gloves?
My uncle has a farm. He 's gone against Lev. 19:19 because by planting two different crops in the same field, and even his wife has violated the same step, because by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton / polyester blend). Not only that my uncle swears to go around.
It 'really necessary that we take the trouble to gather all the townspeople to stone as prescribed by the scriptures?
Could not we just set him on fire while they sleep, as recommended nicely Lev 20:14 for those who lie with relatives?
I know you have studied these topics in depth, so I'm sure you can answer these simple questions. On this occasion, thank you again for so diligent in reminding us that the word of God is eternal and unchanging.
Always his.
Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a popular American radio journalist, in its transmission dispenses advice to people who call. Some time ago, Laura said that homosexuality, according to the Bible (Lev.18: 22) is an abomination, and can not be tolerated under any circumstances.
The following is a letter to Dr. Laura Schlessinger.
Dear Dr. Schlessinger, I am writing to thank you for your educational work on the laws of the Lord. I learned a great deal from your program, and I try to share that knowledge with as many people as possible. Now, when someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it is an abomination.
End of discussion.
But I need some advice from you, in respect of other specific laws and how to apply.
I would sell my daughter into slavery, as stated in Exodus (21:7). What do you think would be a good selling price?
When I turn on the sacrificial altar and a fire will burn a bull, I know from the scriptures that it produces a pleasant aroma to the Lord (Lev.1.9). The problem is with my neighbors: they, the blasphemous claim that the odor is not pleasant. I not struck?
I know I can have contact with a woman while she is menstruating (Lev.15: 19-24.). The problem is how do I tell? Molte donne s’offendono.
Il Levitico ai versi 25:44 afferma che potrei possedere degli schiavi, sia maschi che femmine, a patto che essi siano acquistati in nazioni straniere.
Un mio amico afferma che questo si può fare con i filippini, ma non con i francesi. Può farmi capire meglio? Perché non posso possedere schiavi francesi?
Un mio vicino insiste per lavorare di Sabato. Esodo 35:2 dice chiaramente che dovrebbe essere messo a morte. Sono moralmente obbligato ad ucciderlo personalmente?
Un mio amico ha la sensazione che anche se mangiare crostacei è considerato un abominio (Lev. 11:10), lo sia meno dell’omosessualità. Non sono affatto d’accordo. Può illuminarci on this issue?
Also on the verse Leviticus 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have defective eyesight. I have to admit that I use reading glasses ... my vision have to be 10/10 or is there some wiggle room here?
Many of my male friends shave their hair, including those near the temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by the Bible (Lev 19:27). How should they die?
Also in Leviticus (11:6-8) stated that touching the skin of dead pig makes me unclean. To play football so I have to wear gloves?
My uncle has a farm. He 's gone against Lev. 19:19 because by planting two different crops in the same field, and even his wife has violated the same step, because by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton / polyester blend). Not only that my uncle swears to go around.
It 'really necessary that we take the trouble to gather all the townspeople to stone as prescribed by the scriptures?
Could not we just set him on fire while they sleep, as recommended nicely Lev 20:14 for those who lie with relatives?
I know you have studied these topics in depth, so I'm sure you can answer these simple questions. On this occasion, thank you again for so diligent in reminding us that the word of God is eternal and unchanging.
Always his.
Friday, October 16, 2009
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the war in Iraq - to enrich the oil companies
And here's the war of liberation iraquena what is served, hundreds of thousands of civilians dead, 25 soldat Italians, to enrich the usual suspects with the congratulations of well-thinking.
"Zubair is one of the largest oilfields in the world." He does not hide the satisfaction to Eni, Paolo Scaroni said in an interview with the Financial Times: The six-legged dog was awarded the concession for the development of the field 'giant' Zubair, Iraq.
field, Scaroni said, "is one of the few capable of producing more than one million di barili al giorno". Scaroni ha poi precisato che l'obiettivo di innalzare la produzione del campo da 200.000 barili al giorno a 1,125 milioni entro sette anni potrebbe richiedere investimenti per circa 10 miliardi di dollari.
No allo spezzatino
L'idea del fondo Knight Vinke, l'azionista Eni che preme per una separazione delle attività del gas da quelle del petrolio, "distruggerebbe valore" del gruppo petrolifero, sostiene Scaroni sul Financial Times.
"Essere cosi' grandi nel gas - afferma Scaroni - è molto positivo per la nostra attivita' petrolifera. Il semplice fatto che compriamo gas dall'Algeria, dalla Libia e dall'Egitto ci rende leader nell'upstream (petrolifero) in questi tre Paesi, che rappresentano cosi' il 40% del nostro upstream petrolifero". Nell'intervista, Scaroni nega anche qualsiasi interesse nel nucleare italiano, su cui invece spinge il fondo Knight Vinke: "Al momento - spiega - non fa parte dei nostri piani".
Greggio verso i 70 euro
Nell'intervista, Scaroni si sofferma anche sul prezzo del petrolio, giudicando "realistico" un livello intorno ai 70 dollari e affermando che la crisi ha inciso sui prezzi meno del previsto: "Sono piuttosto sorpreso dai livelli dei prezzi del petrolio attuali, perche' pensavo che sarebbero stati molto più bassi"
Fonti :
http://www.rainews24.it/ra n24/inchieste/innomedelpet rolio.asp
http://www.rainews24.it/it /news.php?newsid=132871
And here's the war of liberation iraquena what is served, hundreds of thousands of civilians dead, 25 soldat Italians, to enrich the usual suspects with the congratulations of well-thinking.
"Zubair is one of the largest oilfields in the world." He does not hide the satisfaction to Eni, Paolo Scaroni said in an interview with the Financial Times: The six-legged dog was awarded the concession for the development of the field 'giant' Zubair, Iraq.
field, Scaroni said, "is one of the few capable of producing more than one million di barili al giorno". Scaroni ha poi precisato che l'obiettivo di innalzare la produzione del campo da 200.000 barili al giorno a 1,125 milioni entro sette anni potrebbe richiedere investimenti per circa 10 miliardi di dollari.
No allo spezzatino
L'idea del fondo Knight Vinke, l'azionista Eni che preme per una separazione delle attività del gas da quelle del petrolio, "distruggerebbe valore" del gruppo petrolifero, sostiene Scaroni sul Financial Times.
"Essere cosi' grandi nel gas - afferma Scaroni - è molto positivo per la nostra attivita' petrolifera. Il semplice fatto che compriamo gas dall'Algeria, dalla Libia e dall'Egitto ci rende leader nell'upstream (petrolifero) in questi tre Paesi, che rappresentano cosi' il 40% del nostro upstream petrolifero". Nell'intervista, Scaroni nega anche qualsiasi interesse nel nucleare italiano, su cui invece spinge il fondo Knight Vinke: "Al momento - spiega - non fa parte dei nostri piani".
Greggio verso i 70 euro
Nell'intervista, Scaroni si sofferma anche sul prezzo del petrolio, giudicando "realistico" un livello intorno ai 70 dollari e affermando che la crisi ha inciso sui prezzi meno del previsto: "Sono piuttosto sorpreso dai livelli dei prezzi del petrolio attuali, perche' pensavo che sarebbero stati molto più bassi"
Fonti :
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
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And the crisis is behind us?
Della serie Senza parole vi mostro questo bel grafico ufficiale sulla disoccupazione americana
Non serve un genio per capire che la crisi non è esattamente alle spalle ma che al contrario siamo solo all'inizio. Considerate che mancano all'appello circa 2 milioni di lavoraori che hanno deciso di non cercare più lavoro. Le statistiche amano tanto usare le percentuali e diminuisce l'effetto se si dice che la disoccupazione riguarda meno del 10% della popolazione. Ma quel 10% sono 5 milioni e no matter whether they are 100 or 300 million people. There are 5 million individuals and families in the middle of a road. The Americans can accept everything, even to sleep in the car, but sooner or later the bomb can explode even social them.
Antonio Di Gilio
Della serie Senza parole vi mostro questo bel grafico ufficiale sulla disoccupazione americana
Non serve un genio per capire che la crisi non è esattamente alle spalle ma che al contrario siamo solo all'inizio. Considerate che mancano all'appello circa 2 milioni di lavoraori che hanno deciso di non cercare più lavoro. Le statistiche amano tanto usare le percentuali e diminuisce l'effetto se si dice che la disoccupazione riguarda meno del 10% della popolazione. Ma quel 10% sono 5 milioni e no matter whether they are 100 or 300 million people. There are 5 million individuals and families in the middle of a road. The Americans can accept everything, even to sleep in the car, but sooner or later the bomb can explode even social them.
Antonio Di Gilio
Saturday, August 8, 2009
John P Holmquist Florida Tech Online
A pension system fairer and a social pact between workers
Over the past 15 years have seen continuing pension reforms, aimed mainly to cash, now extending the retirement age retirement hours lowering coefficients. However, what has always been missing is the will to give a more equitable pension system. Believe that all workers are equal is clearly a glaring error that does not take account of the abyss of difference in quality of life, expectations and risk of leaving the skin between different jobs.
To realize the actual difference that exists between a builder and an accountant, one need only look at the insurance premiums of life insurance policies and then to the market. All things being equal in age, sex, and pay the cost that a worker has to pay is higher than that of an accountant who holds a sign that the insurance market in mind as the expectations of life are different. Different life expectancy, means having different quality of life in the physical and mental. Think of a limit in the civil service and the place into a private company with fewer than 15 employees (90% of Italian). In the first case guarantee of a job for the entire working life is almost complete in the second would take a crisis to get you into the world of unemployment or at least art.18 and just causes that are optional absent. Furthermore, I challenge to find entrepreneurs who take a sixty to work in his own firm, rather than windows of buildings.
policy from one party should bear the imprint of the reforms, while taking into account the financial aspect, in a more fair by using existing tools like the private insurance market, other workers should create a social contract accept a different pension system that takes into account the real differences work.
Antonio Di Gilio
Adelaide (BA)
Over the past 15 years have seen continuing pension reforms, aimed mainly to cash, now extending the retirement age retirement hours lowering coefficients. However, what has always been missing is the will to give a more equitable pension system. Believe that all workers are equal is clearly a glaring error that does not take account of the abyss of difference in quality of life, expectations and risk of leaving the skin between different jobs.
To realize the actual difference that exists between a builder and an accountant, one need only look at the insurance premiums of life insurance policies and then to the market. All things being equal in age, sex, and pay the cost that a worker has to pay is higher than that of an accountant who holds a sign that the insurance market in mind as the expectations of life are different. Different life expectancy, means having different quality of life in the physical and mental. Think of a limit in the civil service and the place into a private company with fewer than 15 employees (90% of Italian). In the first case guarantee of a job for the entire working life is almost complete in the second would take a crisis to get you into the world of unemployment or at least art.18 and just causes that are optional absent. Furthermore, I challenge to find entrepreneurs who take a sixty to work in his own firm, rather than windows of buildings.
policy from one party should bear the imprint of the reforms, while taking into account the financial aspect, in a more fair by using existing tools like the private insurance market, other workers should create a social contract accept a different pension system that takes into account the real differences work.
Antonio Di Gilio
Adelaide (BA)
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
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The presumption of innocence of the PD and journalism
newspapers and journalists for too long we have become accustomed to the presumption of guilt and process summaries media-and this not only to political issues and politics, but the news nera.Ultimo aanche events in chronological order that the executive del Pd Bianchini
Tutti ricorderanno chi inizialmente fu accusato per il delitto della Caffarella (un rumeno che nulla centrava) o dell'omicidio di Perugia (Patrick Lumumba)o ancora la croce che per due anni ha dovuto sopportare il padre dei fratellini di Gravina. Tutte persone letteralmente massacrate da giornali e giornalisti che hanno rischiato il linciaggio fisico a causa di un gioralismo becero che ha gareggiato a chi scriveva epiteti più crudeli.
L'uso del condizionale della presunzione è stato sempre sostituito dal modo indicativo di una certezza intrisa di mancanza del rispetto delle più elementari norme deontologiche e democratiche.
Infastidisce come anche lo stesso Pd si sia prodigato alla veloce espulsione del suo dirigente senza that this person has not received a mandate to stop creating a controversy over a matter instrumental immoral.
be clear, if this Gentilini was guilty of the charges pending and justice had occurred, would have to throw away the key. But until justice has not run its course, I have neither moral nor ethical right to utter words of giudizio.E not enough to write titles that use the conditional, then fill the article of nouns like "monster" or "rapist "to be considered immune to problems of conduct.
Trying to sell more copies running behind in sensationalism journalism is the son of a back room that most of the search for truth, peg away at more detail gory as a model of the house of Novi Ligure in the study of the Vespa.
But the Italian people to become violent continuously raped by a communication does not even notice these things.
Antonio Di Gilio
Left and Freedom
Adelaide (BA)
The presumption of innocence is enshrined in Italian Constitution, which states in Article 27, paragraph 2 that "the defendant is not considered guilty until sentencing final. "
Consequences of the presumption of innocence are the established principles, as well as in the Constitution, the Law on fair trial. Howevernewspapers and journalists for too long we have become accustomed to the presumption of guilt and process summaries media-and this not only to political issues and politics, but the news nera.Ultimo aanche events in chronological order that the executive del Pd Bianchini
Tutti ricorderanno chi inizialmente fu accusato per il delitto della Caffarella (un rumeno che nulla centrava) o dell'omicidio di Perugia (Patrick Lumumba)o ancora la croce che per due anni ha dovuto sopportare il padre dei fratellini di Gravina. Tutte persone letteralmente massacrate da giornali e giornalisti che hanno rischiato il linciaggio fisico a causa di un gioralismo becero che ha gareggiato a chi scriveva epiteti più crudeli.
L'uso del condizionale della presunzione è stato sempre sostituito dal modo indicativo di una certezza intrisa di mancanza del rispetto delle più elementari norme deontologiche e democratiche.
Infastidisce come anche lo stesso Pd si sia prodigato alla veloce espulsione del suo dirigente senza that this person has not received a mandate to stop creating a controversy over a matter instrumental immoral.
be clear, if this Gentilini was guilty of the charges pending and justice had occurred, would have to throw away the key. But until justice has not run its course, I have neither moral nor ethical right to utter words of giudizio.E not enough to write titles that use the conditional, then fill the article of nouns like "monster" or "rapist "to be considered immune to problems of conduct.
Trying to sell more copies running behind in sensationalism journalism is the son of a back room that most of the search for truth, peg away at more detail gory as a model of the house of Novi Ligure in the study of the Vespa.
But the Italian people to become violent continuously raped by a communication does not even notice these things.
Antonio Di Gilio
Left and Freedom
Adelaide (BA)
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
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Who is the union? Virtually none of
This post is to be considered in any way related to the thought of the leftist movement and local freedom, but simply the result of my personal idea.
Recently, I asked who actually represents the sindacato.Troppo often hear on the news that the two sides meet to decide on various issues have to deal with the world of lavoro.Ci would expect that represent at least 50% plus one of the workers in order to be a minimum of one representative realtà.Sono went to investigate the number of players and I made a discovery (which I think many know) nothing short of appalling.
We start from the CGIL.
The data are from 2007 and can be found here
The data say that Tessari are 5 million 600 thousand, but at a more well-actant 3 pensionati.Sono million are the generation who rightly so by the union has had on the rights and which keeps alive their loyalty.
The second largest group (even if well-spaced) con 400.000 iscritti sono i lavoratori del pubblico impiego a cui si sommano i quasi 100.000 del settore bancario che,scusate se sembrerò crudo, ma è un gruppo di lavoratori che nulla a che vedere dalle angherie che possiamo ritrovare nel settore privato.
Fatti i dovuti calcoli, la CGIL rappresenta circa 2 milioni di lavoratori.
Passiamo alla Cisl(2008)
I tesserati dichiarati sono 4 milioni e 500 mila iscritti.Ma anche per questo sindacato faciamo un'analisi più attenta.I tesserati ormai non più attivi sono 2 milioni e 200 mila. A questi togliamo un altro mezzo milione di lavoratori tutelati,la Cisl rappresenta circa 1 milione and 800 000 workers. Finally
Uil (2008) The enrolled
declared are 2 million 877 thousand and 100 mila.Di These are the retired and the industry pubblico.Conclusione 400 000 the number of workers "in need of protection" is 800,000.
abandoning the other smaller unions that are more bureaucratic structures of some use to the world of lavoro.In Italy there are more than 23 million lavoratori.Tolti 3 million civil servants (including 1 million and a half represented by three more big unions), to about 20 million lavoratori.Di these 4 million 600 thousand are represented by the union (about 18%) the other nisba majority.
In other words, who represents the union? In light of the data are more retirees that workers sign the utility of a time long gone.
are workers who have a full belly (as stated by a union) or are self referential unions representing only themselves that led to these data? And why should they sign their contracts as the representatives of only 18% of workers?
Antonio Di Gilio
This post is to be considered in any way related to the thought of the leftist movement and local freedom, but simply the result of my personal idea.
Recently, I asked who actually represents the sindacato.Troppo often hear on the news that the two sides meet to decide on various issues have to deal with the world of lavoro.Ci would expect that represent at least 50% plus one of the workers in order to be a minimum of one representative realtà.Sono went to investigate the number of players and I made a discovery (which I think many know) nothing short of appalling.
We start from the CGIL.
The data are from 2007 and can be found here
The data say that Tessari are 5 million 600 thousand, but at a more well-actant 3 pensionati.Sono million are the generation who rightly so by the union has had on the rights and which keeps alive their loyalty.
The second largest group (even if well-spaced) con 400.000 iscritti sono i lavoratori del pubblico impiego a cui si sommano i quasi 100.000 del settore bancario che,scusate se sembrerò crudo, ma è un gruppo di lavoratori che nulla a che vedere dalle angherie che possiamo ritrovare nel settore privato.
Fatti i dovuti calcoli, la CGIL rappresenta circa 2 milioni di lavoratori.
Passiamo alla Cisl(2008)
I tesserati dichiarati sono 4 milioni e 500 mila iscritti.Ma anche per questo sindacato faciamo un'analisi più attenta.I tesserati ormai non più attivi sono 2 milioni e 200 mila. A questi togliamo un altro mezzo milione di lavoratori tutelati,la Cisl rappresenta circa 1 milione and 800 000 workers. Finally
Uil (2008) The enrolled
declared are 2 million 877 thousand and 100 mila.Di These are the retired and the industry pubblico.Conclusione 400 000 the number of workers "in need of protection" is 800,000.
abandoning the other smaller unions that are more bureaucratic structures of some use to the world of lavoro.In Italy there are more than 23 million lavoratori.Tolti 3 million civil servants (including 1 million and a half represented by three more big unions), to about 20 million lavoratori.Di these 4 million 600 thousand are represented by the union (about 18%) the other nisba majority.
In other words, who represents the union? In light of the data are more retirees that workers sign the utility of a time long gone.
are workers who have a full belly (as stated by a union) or are self referential unions representing only themselves that led to these data? And why should they sign their contracts as the representatives of only 18% of workers?
Antonio Di Gilio
Thursday, June 25, 2009
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tototema.blogspot.com guessed the weather!
For the second consecutive year, the site tototema.blogspot.com guessed 2 of the 7 tracks of the first test of maturity.
guess tracks are short essay on Social Network, Internet and New Media , and the historical theme of the fall of the Berlin Wall , the first track that we have assumed.
blog in a few days it has become the benchmark for more than 30,000 students have tripled the success of last year.
We hope to have helped to take the examination in a more safe and joyful thanks to our links for further information.
Our good luck to all the other evidence in this examination and those that will.
you next year.
Thank you all!
For the second consecutive year, the site tototema.blogspot.com guessed 2 of the 7 tracks of the first test of maturity.
guess tracks are short essay on Social Network, Internet and New Media , and the historical theme of the fall of the Berlin Wall , the first track that we have assumed.
blog in a few days it has become the benchmark for more than 30,000 students have tripled the success of last year.
We hope to have helped to take the examination in a more safe and joyful thanks to our links for further information.
Our good luck to all the other evidence in this examination and those that will.
you next year.
Thank you all!
The Cervix Right Before Period Is Due
Maturity 2009: All tracks of the first test
Here is a summary of the traces of the Italian theme of the school leaving examination in 2009.
Type A, Analysis of Text: Remarks a step of Preface to the Confessions of Zeno.
Type B, short essay or newspaper article:
Setting artistic and literary : Falling in Love. Texts of Dante, Alberoni, Gozzano, Catullus, Leopardi and Cardarelli.
Social and Economic : 2009 Year of Creativity and Innovation
historical-political : Origin and development of youth culture, with a document Hobsbawm.
scientific and technical areas: Social Network, Internet and New Media, with documents and Castels Bajan.
historical theme, type C : "In 2011 we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy. Successione di tre tipi di regime. Il candidato si soffermi sul passaggio dal regime liberale monarchico a quello fascista e da quello fascista a quello democratico repubblicano"
Tema d'attualità, tipologia D : "Con legge 61 del 15 aprile 2005 ,il 9 novembre è stato dichiarato giorno della libertà, quale ricorrenza dell'abbattimento del Muro di Berlino, evento simbolo per la liberazione di paesi oppressi e auspicio per le popolazioni tuttora soggette al totalitarismo. A 20 anni dalla caduta del muro di Berlino, il candidato rifletta sul valore simbolico di quell'evento ed esprima la propria opinione sul significato di libertà e democrazia"
fonte repubblica.it
Here is a summary of the traces of the Italian theme of the school leaving examination in 2009.
Type A, Analysis of Text: Remarks a step of Preface to the Confessions of Zeno.
Type B, short essay or newspaper article:
Setting artistic and literary : Falling in Love. Texts of Dante, Alberoni, Gozzano, Catullus, Leopardi and Cardarelli.
Social and Economic : 2009 Year of Creativity and Innovation
historical-political : Origin and development of youth culture, with a document Hobsbawm.
scientific and technical areas: Social Network, Internet and New Media, with documents and Castels Bajan.
historical theme, type C : "In 2011 we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy. Successione di tre tipi di regime. Il candidato si soffermi sul passaggio dal regime liberale monarchico a quello fascista e da quello fascista a quello democratico repubblicano"
Tema d'attualità, tipologia D : "Con legge 61 del 15 aprile 2005 ,il 9 novembre è stato dichiarato giorno della libertà, quale ricorrenza dell'abbattimento del Muro di Berlino, evento simbolo per la liberazione di paesi oppressi e auspicio per le popolazioni tuttora soggette al totalitarismo. A 20 anni dalla caduta del muro di Berlino, il candidato rifletta sul valore simbolico di quell'evento ed esprima la propria opinione sul significato di libertà e democrazia"
fonte repubblica.it
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Surgiquest Acquisition
The Vaffa Vendola (Left and Freedom) in a Gasparri Ballarò
When it takes it takes
Antonio Di Gilio
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
New Church Member Welcome Letter Sample
Democrats Anonymous, for those who are tired of voting PD
Antonio Di Gilio
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Plattwood Park Deep River Ct
The Nazi-fascism after six months of obscuring back in rete
resembles the YouTube site from which copy the graphics but the videos are a compendium of the worst hysteria storia.Invito all readers to report to the police post and the judiciary this link.Esiste a limit to freedom of thought ... He is human dignity.
I write this post to suggest a site monstrously racist and xenophobic to show how the Nazi forces are increasingly making proselytes in silence assordante.Un site that you point out only suitable for people of strong stomaco.Torture, murder, injury to any person not "Aryan." The exodus of a season that was hoped for dead is becoming stronger in the general indifference of the media and the network that scares me, because, as Levi said, "it happened once and it can still happen,"
The link is as follows
The link is as follows
resembles the YouTube site from which copy the graphics but the videos are a compendium of the worst hysteria storia.Invito all readers to report to the police post and the judiciary this link.Esiste a limit to freedom of thought ... He is human dignity.
6 months ago I had already reported and complaints made to obscure the site. Unfortunately, they changed the address and a voice here again. Here's the previous post
Antonio Di Gilio
Antonio Di Gilio
Friday, April 17, 2009
Who Sells Pedal Boats In Florida?
(ASCA) - Roma, 17 apr - ''We are not the left (although I gather, without hiding, the solid reformist strain), we no longer 'need to define topography, based on our placement center. We are the Italian democratic.'' Cosi ', Francesco Rutelli on the position of the Democratic Party in the panorama of Italian politics, in an article in Europe.
''We did not write''Rutelli, referring to his two titles released on Europe, indicating in the 'left' the reference group of the Democratic Party. ''I do not dispute - he explains - the simplification of licenses, but the example of the message that is gaining momentum: the Democratic Party and 'the left, and' the party of the left in Italy.''
''With the birth of the Democratic Party - the former deputy continues - a new / old word has finally allowed us to describe the hope that for fifteen years had gathered under the banner of the Olive. The word''democratic.
E - Rutelli concluded -''we who are friends of the Italian democratic and democratic freedom fighters' from around the world. And we set up our party. Will never forget. Do not ignore the alarm bells. Do not go back to recognize the parts, 'cause we would lose everything.''
(ASCA) - Roma, 17 apr - ''We are not the left (although I gather, without hiding, the solid reformist strain), we no longer 'need to define topography, based on our placement center. We are the Italian democratic.'' Cosi ', Francesco Rutelli on the position of the Democratic Party in the panorama of Italian politics, in an article in Europe.
''We did not write''Rutelli, referring to his two titles released on Europe, indicating in the 'left' the reference group of the Democratic Party. ''I do not dispute - he explains - the simplification of licenses, but the example of the message that is gaining momentum: the Democratic Party and 'the left, and' the party of the left in Italy.''
''With the birth of the Democratic Party - the former deputy continues - a new / old word has finally allowed us to describe the hope that for fifteen years had gathered under the banner of the Olive. The word''democratic.
E - Rutelli concluded -''we who are friends of the Italian democratic and democratic freedom fighters' from around the world. And we set up our party. Will never forget. Do not ignore the alarm bells. Do not go back to recognize the parts, 'cause we would lose everything.''
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Sample Company Anniversary Letter
Quando l'informazione fa i conti con lo share...che schifo
The days of the tragedy in Abruzzo showed the best qualities of the people italiano.La ability to mobilize immediately and in different ways, the dignity in the face of death, the desire to share and a sense of national unity in times of drama. All this makes me proud to be part of this great country. However these days of horror and honor me literally disgusted with the way we do television journalists.
What is the extent to which information and research particularly macabre? What is the search for the human case in the human tragedy for the information? More thing to the viewer with the question "What are you doing here?" that a family man who sleeps in the car because obviously has lost his home? What hidden pleasure meets the question "How do you feel?" that girl that she knew she'd lost her brother in the damn hall of residence?
But the Oscar for the pornography of television is for the preparation of TG1.Come those sick pigs that roam the supermarkets covered by a simple proof to show to SHARE their inexperienced women, so the day after the earthquake a smiling reporter pitted the record ratings during the various editions terremoto.VERGOGNA post. Fortunately
to give lessons of professionalism and respect for the tragedies is the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano. Indeed, he was besieged by photographers and cameramen literally the devil sends journalists as he is there "not to have a few photos but to make it closer to its people and institutions to the survivors." These are the difference of style and a lot of people should treasure it.
Antonio Di Gilio
The days of the tragedy in Abruzzo showed the best qualities of the people italiano.La ability to mobilize immediately and in different ways, the dignity in the face of death, the desire to share and a sense of national unity in times of drama. All this makes me proud to be part of this great country. However these days of horror and honor me literally disgusted with the way we do television journalists.
What is the extent to which information and research particularly macabre? What is the search for the human case in the human tragedy for the information? More thing to the viewer with the question "What are you doing here?" that a family man who sleeps in the car because obviously has lost his home? What hidden pleasure meets the question "How do you feel?" that girl that she knew she'd lost her brother in the damn hall of residence?
But the Oscar for the pornography of television is for the preparation of TG1.Come those sick pigs that roam the supermarkets covered by a simple proof to show to SHARE their inexperienced women, so the day after the earthquake a smiling reporter pitted the record ratings during the various editions terremoto.VERGOGNA post. Fortunately
to give lessons of professionalism and respect for the tragedies is the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano. Indeed, he was besieged by photographers and cameramen literally the devil sends journalists as he is there "not to have a few photos but to make it closer to its people and institutions to the survivors." These are the difference of style and a lot of people should treasure it.
Antonio Di Gilio
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
How To Get A Smaller Vajina
La carta di Kilombo è scritta con i piedi...quando l'italiano è un optional
Since I became editor I started to read the new card and I discovered many horrors Kilombo syntactic and complex sentences that make heavy sentences.
divertetissimi I bring you some examples.
art.4 paragraph II
" In presence of trolls and troublemakers of the area or public individual feedback (Kilombo Slow )....." (But fuck it means?)
art.5 paragraph V
" A single post can not be reported on the meta-blog more than once. Kilombo may not be published on more than one meta-post for the blog day (up to a maximum of two allowed to post blogs. provided they are signed by different authors attributed as usual the writers group blog). The abuse of parentheses is alarming
not carry over to all and sundry without commas why not coordinated with adjectives and nouns always within article 5
art. 6
.. in case of a number of editors under 4 drawing will only make routine ... (because the 6 editors can do extraordinary administration always in the light of that article?)
art. 6 a
"Kilombo bloggers have the power to take urgent and worthy initiatives, supported by at least 5% of the members, which will be submitted to a vote of the collective before the actual submission of the signatures in order to bind the 'aggregator as a whole alongside the just struggles of workers, students, volunteers international cooperating local activists for civil rights minorities already mentioned and also of those social groups and cultural minorities will be reduced to the laws of the state. "(I lost my breath. But the cost has put the points? In elementary school my teachers were erasing sentences so long) and
The signatures shall be understood as adherence to a proposal made by each individual blogger ... believer in the mail of writing visible on the HP Kilombo. (....)
lL tool for internal communication to the collective members and a mailing list. The members are required to leave an email address at registration (not just "The" error ma manca anche un accento da far bocciare chiunque a un esame in italiano)
"L'iscrizione e curata dalla redazione... "(altra bocciatura)
Art. 9 bis
Perhaps it would be better
"The tasks of the EC are set by the original progetto di K.S. IL progetto viene acquisito come parte integrante della presente Carta e può essere emendato seguendone i medesimi meccanismi.
Since I became editor I started to read the new card and I discovered many horrors Kilombo syntactic and complex sentences that make heavy sentences.
divertetissimi I bring you some examples.
art.4 paragraph II
" In presence of trolls and troublemakers of the area or public individual feedback (Kilombo Slow )....." (But fuck it means?)
art.5 paragraph V
" A single post can not be reported on the meta-blog more than once. Kilombo may not be published on more than one meta-post for the blog day (up to a maximum of two allowed to post blogs. provided they are signed by different authors attributed as usual the writers group blog). The abuse of parentheses is alarming
not carry over to all and sundry without commas why not coordinated with adjectives and nouns always within article 5
art. 6
.. in case of a number of editors under 4 drawing will only make routine ... (because the 6 editors can do extraordinary administration always in the light of that article?)
art. 6 a
"Kilombo bloggers have the power to take urgent and worthy initiatives, supported by at least 5% of the members, which will be submitted to a vote of the collective before the actual submission of the signatures in order to bind the 'aggregator as a whole alongside the just struggles of workers, students, volunteers international cooperating local activists for civil rights minorities already mentioned and also of those social groups and cultural minorities will be reduced to the laws of the state. "(I lost my breath. But the cost has put the points? In elementary school my teachers were erasing sentences so long) and
The signatures shall be understood as adherence to a proposal made by each individual blogger ... believer in the mail of writing visible on the HP Kilombo. (....)
lL tool for internal communication to the collective members and a mailing list. The members are required to leave an email address at registration (not just "The" error ma manca anche un accento da far bocciare chiunque a un esame in italiano)
"L'adesione a Kilombo è condizionata all'adesione ai principi della presente Carta ed è gratuita."
Non sare bbe meglio "L'adesione a Kilombo è gratuita ed è soggetta all'adesione DEI principi della presente carta( e non all'adesione ai principi)
ma ancora
Non sare bbe meglio "L'adesione a Kilombo è gratuita ed è soggetta all'adesione DEI principi della presente carta( e non all'adesione ai principi)
ma ancora
"L'iscrizione e curata dalla redazione... "(altra bocciatura)
Art. 9 bis
The tasks of the EC are set by the original draft of KS project that is acquired as part of this Charter and may be amended by following the same
In order to promote and as widely as possible the purpose and spirit underlying the Community Kilombo, the Editorial Board is authorized to open spaces, pages, and / or forums with other social-network or community.
Perhaps it would be better
"The tasks of the EC are set by the original progetto di K.S. IL progetto viene acquisito come parte integrante della presente Carta e può essere emendato seguendone i medesimi meccanismi.
Al fine di promuovere e diffondere il più possibile le finalità spirito della Comunità kilombista, il Comitato Editoriale è autorizzato ad aprire spazi, pagine e/o forum presso altri social-network o community.
Art. 10 (sintatticamente tutto da cambiare)
della serie non c'è due senza tre
"La decisione di espulsione e presa per votazione a ...."(terza bocciatura)
Antonio Di Gilio
Art. 10 (sintatticamente tutto da cambiare)
della serie non c'è due senza tre
"La decisione di espulsione e presa per votazione a ...."(terza bocciatura)
Antonio Di Gilio
Monday, March 30, 2009
Hepititus B More Condition_symptoms
Perchè credo nel progetto della SEL e no nel nuovo PCI
The new party / list of PDCI and PRC aims to build an anti-capitalist party and workers an alternative to the left and right today in the Italian political system.
So far I have heard slogan disparate materials without identifying the least means to achieve that end. The old PCI
before the fall of the wall could scream in the streets an economic model that appear to be working and that guaranteed social welfare. The USSR and its socialism was the mirage of a different and better society in which every citizen should aspire and companion. Today we discovered that the economic system has failed and that the welfare and social equality could be obtained at the cost of selling their freedom of thought and espressione.Insomma communism is far from ideal and the real one as if to emphasize the great perfection of the system, and even Cube China has failed miserably in the projects. Today
comrades who have decided to revive that dream
have forgotten the state of things and decided to follow in the old slogan, not the least put into question what history has decreed a loser and I wait for an illusory revolution proletaria.Tuttavia the redundancy old adage "those who live in despair with hope dies".
It is time that Marx's Capital to the old fellow began to read the contributions of many economists, who has been questioning the capitalist system and identify effective strategies from the Copernican revolution in economics.
Words like Islam should not only bring in the minds of Western images of the burqa or terrorists but also of the credit. The credit
Islamic finance depart from a different view and rivoluzionaria.La Bank can not claim a profit and return on capital for speculative and bandita.Non is no coincidence that while Western banks go bankrupt one after the other ( in the U.S. we are at 21), increase funding and see the Islamic collection.
theories that see the decrease in the ability of local di fare scelte economicamente efficienti (dai Gal alla capacità di auto-prodursi l'energia) sono la cartina tornasole di una concezione di sviluppo non legate alle multinazionali e a pochi potentati globali. Estirpare la concezione della Growthmania nelle menti dei politici e della gente e la nuova lotta rivoluzionaria senza spargimenti di sangue.Il sistema va distrutto con le armi dell'intelligenza e di una seria critica al sistema senza dover ripresentare modelli già falliti.Nell'antropologia umana non è cambiato nulla da indurci a pensare che andrà meglio.
Per questo credo molto nella lista della "Sinistra e libertà", soltanto mettendo in discussione il nostro passato cogliendone gli elementi migliori è possibile tornare culturalmente hegemonic in our beloved Italy
Antonio Di Gilio
The new party / list of PDCI and PRC aims to build an anti-capitalist party and workers an alternative to the left and right today in the Italian political system.
So far I have heard slogan disparate materials without identifying the least means to achieve that end. The old PCI
before the fall of the wall could scream in the streets an economic model that appear to be working and that guaranteed social welfare. The USSR and its socialism was the mirage of a different and better society in which every citizen should aspire and companion. Today we discovered that the economic system has failed and that the welfare and social equality could be obtained at the cost of selling their freedom of thought and espressione.Insomma communism is far from ideal and the real one as if to emphasize the great perfection of the system, and even Cube China has failed miserably in the projects. Today
comrades who have decided to revive that dream
have forgotten the state of things and decided to follow in the old slogan, not the least put into question what history has decreed a loser and I wait for an illusory revolution proletaria.Tuttavia the redundancy old adage "those who live in despair with hope dies".
It is time that Marx's Capital to the old fellow began to read the contributions of many economists, who has been questioning the capitalist system and identify effective strategies from the Copernican revolution in economics.
Words like Islam should not only bring in the minds of Western images of the burqa or terrorists but also of the credit. The credit
Islamic finance depart from a different view and rivoluzionaria.La Bank can not claim a profit and return on capital for speculative and bandita.Non is no coincidence that while Western banks go bankrupt one after the other ( in the U.S. we are at 21), increase funding and see the Islamic collection.
theories that see the decrease in the ability of local di fare scelte economicamente efficienti (dai Gal alla capacità di auto-prodursi l'energia) sono la cartina tornasole di una concezione di sviluppo non legate alle multinazionali e a pochi potentati globali. Estirpare la concezione della Growthmania nelle menti dei politici e della gente e la nuova lotta rivoluzionaria senza spargimenti di sangue.Il sistema va distrutto con le armi dell'intelligenza e di una seria critica al sistema senza dover ripresentare modelli già falliti.Nell'antropologia umana non è cambiato nulla da indurci a pensare che andrà meglio.
Per questo credo molto nella lista della "Sinistra e libertà", soltanto mettendo in discussione il nostro passato cogliendone gli elementi migliori è possibile tornare culturalmente hegemonic in our beloved Italy
Antonio Di Gilio
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Campervans For Sale In Central Scotland
Non tutta la Sinistra è componibile: i comunisti dell'Ernesto e la lettura della questione Tibetana
Today wandered among the various sites of newspapers and the communist parties of the left and not (all that is left of the PD) and I imbattutto dell'Ernesto in this article.
This article looks in different light with the Tibetan issue will clearly demonstrate how the invasion of China is almost salvation for the area. I want to start by the same reasoning dell'Ernesto but come to different conclusions. In principle
Tibet lived under rules in which there was a rich feudal lord who ruled agricoltori.Fin on monks and here I have no objection, the following reasoning is at the limit of decency. Item 14. "Tibetan culture has had a new perspective on the development in the rest of China, especially in language, literature, studies of everyday life and architecture tradition." Obviously not commento.Ancora. 6.The Point 'Chinese occupation has caused the violent death of 1.2 million Tibetans
The argument made as a thesis may also have an effect, but the author does not call into question any way, however, that several hundred thousand people are morte.Insomma if instead of 1 million 200 000 200 000 100 or died at the prospect cambia.E 'justifiable.
So bad that the newspaper sees as operations Enduring Freedom and NATO's pre-emptive wars for what they are calling (rightly) mass murder, well regarded by the judge in the same way military action with economic and strategic purposes only done by communist governments .
The difference between me and my man left free from ideology (not to be confused with the word TRADITION) and hard-core Communists, is obvious. The freedom to say that Stalin and Mao are no better than fascist when hands are soiled with the blood of thousands of people, even just carriers of ideas and shared something that is on my left would be called blasphemous.
Antonio Di Gilio
Today wandered among the various sites of newspapers and the communist parties of the left and not (all that is left of the PD) and I imbattutto dell'Ernesto in this article.
This article looks in different light with the Tibetan issue will clearly demonstrate how the invasion of China is almost salvation for the area. I want to start by the same reasoning dell'Ernesto but come to different conclusions. In principle
Tibet lived under rules in which there was a rich feudal lord who ruled agricoltori.Fin on monks and here I have no objection, the following reasoning is at the limit of decency. Item 14. "Tibetan culture has had a new perspective on the development in the rest of China, especially in language, literature, studies of everyday life and architecture tradition." Obviously not commento.Ancora. 6.The Point 'Chinese occupation has caused the violent death of 1.2 million Tibetans
The argument made as a thesis may also have an effect, but the author does not call into question any way, however, that several hundred thousand people are morte.Insomma if instead of 1 million 200 000 200 000 100 or died at the prospect cambia.E 'justifiable.
So bad that the newspaper sees as operations Enduring Freedom and NATO's pre-emptive wars for what they are calling (rightly) mass murder, well regarded by the judge in the same way military action with economic and strategic purposes only done by communist governments .
The difference between me and my man left free from ideology (not to be confused with the word TRADITION) and hard-core Communists, is obvious. The freedom to say that Stalin and Mao are no better than fascist when hands are soiled with the blood of thousands of people, even just carriers of ideas and shared something that is on my left would be called blasphemous.
Antonio Di Gilio
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Laser Printer Iron On
Il PD e la sua partecipazione... 44 gatti in fila per 6 con il resto di 2
What the radical left is not putting well is evident to all, but that the PD is made even worse is now discharged. A
Orvieto mate sent me a photo of the rally in his hometown of Fassino. You can see the huge crowd that has no rival. However I do not think the organizers are so naive, but certainly did not expect a turnout so low ..... They wanted to do it in a square because partecipazione.Il evidently expected a good result is a demerit figure of shit.
Poor Fassino. Or the PD from a serious turn, left or alloy sfonderà also the walls of the red regions.
Antonio Di Gilio
What the radical left is not putting well is evident to all, but that the PD is made even worse is now discharged. A
Orvieto mate sent me a photo of the rally in his hometown of Fassino. You can see the huge crowd that has no rival. However I do not think the organizers are so naive, but certainly did not expect a turnout so low ..... They wanted to do it in a square because partecipazione.Il evidently expected a good result is a demerit figure of shit.
Poor Fassino. Or the PD from a serious turn, left or alloy sfonderà also the walls of the red regions.
Antonio Di Gilio
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Bond Interest Calculations
Questa redazione è vomitevole:cerca di far passare modifiche fondamentali nascoste dietro a un restaling di forma
I've just received an email where drafting is kindly requested to take note of "restailing formal paper. It would seem tutto innoquo se non fosse per alcuni cambiamenti rivoluzionari (in negativo) guarda caso dopo alcune mie nuove proposte su regolare facebook.
Al di là che lor signori secondo l'art.9 per mettere ai voti questo emendamento di fatto devono prendere il 5% delle firme dei kilombisti.
Ma vediamo le modifiche
Proprio l'art.9 che tratta delle procedure per le modifiche prevede che basti il voto favorevole dei 2/3 dei votanti effettivi ma magicamente si aggiunge
S years all too well that the vast majority of Kilombo vota.Molti are not members and do not participate, and then it will be virtually impossible ever to reach that requirement.
Indeed even our constitution provides for the quorum of 50% for the constitutional referendum, just so as not to turn the non vote in consensus.
These are piduista PURI.iNVITO Kilombo ALL WRITING A POST-CHANGE ANTI Freemasons.
THAT SUCKS !!!!!!!!!
I've just received an email where drafting is kindly requested to take note of "restailing formal paper. It would seem tutto innoquo se non fosse per alcuni cambiamenti rivoluzionari (in negativo) guarda caso dopo alcune mie nuove proposte su regolare facebook.
Al di là che lor signori secondo l'art.9 per mettere ai voti questo emendamento di fatto devono prendere il 5% delle firme dei kilombisti.
Ma vediamo le modifiche
Proprio l'art.9 che tratta delle procedure per le modifiche prevede che basti il voto favorevole dei 2/3 dei votanti effettivi ma magicamente si aggiunge
È previsto un quorum del 50% degli iscritti
S years all too well that the vast majority of Kilombo vota.Molti are not members and do not participate, and then it will be virtually impossible ever to reach that requirement.
Indeed even our constitution provides for the quorum of 50% for the constitutional referendum, just so as not to turn the non vote in consensus.
These are piduista PURI.iNVITO Kilombo ALL WRITING A POST-CHANGE ANTI Freemasons.
THAT SUCKS !!!!!!!!!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Remington 870 Mcs Price
Kilombo:nuova mozione.Per una redazione snella e una garanzia in più
With 80% preferred the new amendment came into the card Kilombo subtracting the discretion of writing too many acts. However adherent press instituting a more streamlined editorial which should support an institution of guardianship. For this reason I propose a serious discussion on a possible modification of the architecture Kilombo. I propose that this is not a new motion based but where to start and then submit the entire collective. Amendment to Article 6
The editorial staff is composed of six editors with six-month term, elected for staggered three months in groups of three. Every three months, provided the election to renew half the editorial staff: all members are eligible candidates who voluntarily, the three most votes will be part of the editorial. (Now)
The preparation consists of three editors warranty and 3 mayors elected alternately every six months and for this purpose are provided for special elections. are all eligible members who volunteer candidate, the three most voted on will be part of the body.
role of unions di garanzia è verificare il corretto lavoro dei redattori e l'inesistenza di atti contrari alla presente carta. Hanno per questo accesso a tutti gli spazi e i documenti fra redattori.Il collegio di garanzia verificata l'esistenza di comportamenti scorretti o contrari alla carta decide a maggioranza di 2/3 azione di revoca contro i redattori responsabili.L'azione di revoca è atto di straordinaria amministrazione e quindi da sottoporre al collettivo.
I redattori entro 3 giorni possono fare azione di opposizione contro la revoca e aprire un contenzioso istituzionale ,atto di straordinaria amministrazione e quindi da sottoporre al collettivo che deciderà di sciogliere uno dei due organi interamente e di andare alla nomina dei nuovi membri.Questi shall hold office for the remainder.
amending article 10 of the misconduct and repeated by a user or an editor (current)
in the new version clears editor
If the decision involve an editor, this majority of 2 / 3 will be reached without his vote count (current)
in the new version is fully repealed
Kilombo and Facebook
Kilombo group on Facebook and then answering the following paper editors and auditors use it while respecting the principles . For its creation according to article 9 requires the approval of 2 / 3 of the collective.
Verrà creato per questo anche un apposito account con login di Kilombo che dovrà risultare il fondatore
Le due proposte potranno essere presentate separatamente
Apro la discussione
Antonio Di Gilio
With 80% preferred the new amendment came into the card Kilombo subtracting the discretion of writing too many acts. However adherent press instituting a more streamlined editorial which should support an institution of guardianship. For this reason I propose a serious discussion on a possible modification of the architecture Kilombo. I propose that this is not a new motion based but where to start and then submit the entire collective. Amendment to Article 6
The editorial staff is composed of six editors with six-month term, elected for staggered three months in groups of three. Every three months, provided the election to renew half the editorial staff: all members are eligible candidates who voluntarily, the three most votes will be part of the editorial. (Now)
The preparation consists of three editors warranty and 3 mayors elected alternately every six months and for this purpose are provided for special elections. are all eligible members who volunteer candidate, the three most voted on will be part of the body.
role of unions di garanzia è verificare il corretto lavoro dei redattori e l'inesistenza di atti contrari alla presente carta. Hanno per questo accesso a tutti gli spazi e i documenti fra redattori.Il collegio di garanzia verificata l'esistenza di comportamenti scorretti o contrari alla carta decide a maggioranza di 2/3 azione di revoca contro i redattori responsabili.L'azione di revoca è atto di straordinaria amministrazione e quindi da sottoporre al collettivo.
I redattori entro 3 giorni possono fare azione di opposizione contro la revoca e aprire un contenzioso istituzionale ,atto di straordinaria amministrazione e quindi da sottoporre al collettivo che deciderà di sciogliere uno dei due organi interamente e di andare alla nomina dei nuovi membri.Questi shall hold office for the remainder.
amending article 10 of the misconduct and repeated by a user or an editor (current)
in the new version clears editor
If the decision involve an editor, this majority of 2 / 3 will be reached without his vote count (current)
in the new version is fully repealed
Kilombo and Facebook
Kilombo group on Facebook and then answering the following paper editors and auditors use it while respecting the principles . For its creation according to article 9 requires the approval of 2 / 3 of the collective.
Verrà creato per questo anche un apposito account con login di Kilombo che dovrà risultare il fondatore
Le due proposte potranno essere presentate separatamente
Apro la discussione
Antonio Di Gilio
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Cheap Metal-core Wheels
The crisis comes in the Euro zone - Ireland and Greece to risk failure
Da alcune settimane circola nei palazzi del potere economico europeo la seria preoccupazione del fallimento di due paesi della'area dell'Euro ossia Grecia e Irlanda. Il primo paese in particolare si trova ad affrontare in prima linea la crisi bancaria dell'est Europa a cui si va ad aggiungere un aumento incontrollato della spesa corrente a causa di un governo ormai prossimo alle votazioni sempre più in crisi di consenso .
Le due economie although devices undermine the whole area as net debtors especially in Germany, which would be in a liquidity crisis, and from there the detonator of the entire continental economy.
The big 4: ITALY, GERMANY, FRANCE AND UK are now pushing for the establishment of a European economic government with taxing powers to intervene in these cases (that was unthinkable 6 months ago). The whole pace of fiscal federalism much-trumpeted by the league that will have to update his sayings: from Rome to thieving Bruxell ladrona.Buttare down from the castle is a Euro country would cost too much and jeopardize the entire castle. All
in order to preserve economic stability of the entire euro area and the entire global economy (40% of the global economy is the EU).
One road will now quickly deal with the EU in the shortest time, complete the European integration policy and create a European government with powers to supra-national model Usa.L 'alternative would be the destruction of 60 years of work and set a dangerous in ruins of the old continent.
Antonio Di Gilio
Da alcune settimane circola nei palazzi del potere economico europeo la seria preoccupazione del fallimento di due paesi della'area dell'Euro ossia Grecia e Irlanda. Il primo paese in particolare si trova ad affrontare in prima linea la crisi bancaria dell'est Europa a cui si va ad aggiungere un aumento incontrollato della spesa corrente a causa di un governo ormai prossimo alle votazioni sempre più in crisi di consenso .
Le due economie although devices undermine the whole area as net debtors especially in Germany, which would be in a liquidity crisis, and from there the detonator of the entire continental economy.
The big 4: ITALY, GERMANY, FRANCE AND UK are now pushing for the establishment of a European economic government with taxing powers to intervene in these cases (that was unthinkable 6 months ago). The whole pace of fiscal federalism much-trumpeted by the league that will have to update his sayings: from Rome to thieving Bruxell ladrona.Buttare down from the castle is a Euro country would cost too much and jeopardize the entire castle. All
in order to preserve economic stability of the entire euro area and the entire global economy (40% of the global economy is the EU).
One road will now quickly deal with the EU in the shortest time, complete the European integration policy and create a European government with powers to supra-national model Usa.L 'alternative would be the destruction of 60 years of work and set a dangerous in ruins of the old continent.
Antonio Di Gilio
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Italian Forums Superzeta
against the crisis, nationalizing the Bank of Italy
E 'news of the last days of the willingness of European governments to nationalize banks to restore breathing to credit for households and businesses. Obviously this will force European countries to borrow more to save the cause of the crisis. However, governments
well regarded by the nationalization another institution, namely the various central banks and thus indirectly the ECB. All
perceive the Bank of Italy as a government entity of which the Italian state would have 100% of quote.Non is così.La Bank of Italy is divided into parts among several banks and some state institutions (INPS). In fact in 2005 was promulgated Law 262 of 28 December which included the complete transfer of the shares belonging to private banks in favor of government agencies or to the Treasury by 12 January 2008. Unfortunately, the law did not provide for penalties or sanctions it, and not having mandatory nature, to 19/12/2008 (as you can see the site of the Bank) shares are still owned by institutions bancari (Intesa-San Paolo e Unicredit in testa che da sole detengono il 45%).
Ovviamente la Banca d'Italia produce utili grazie a quello che nel gergo si chiama signoraggio ossia l'insieme dei redditi derivante dall'emissione della moneta. La Banca d'Italia grazie al diritto che ha di battere moneta e alla sua partecipazione alla BCE(che invece emette le banconote) ottiene utili che divide tra i suoi soci.
La crisi è evidentemente sempre per i soliti noti,gli altri se la cavano sempre.
Antonio Di Gilio
E 'news of the last days of the willingness of European governments to nationalize banks to restore breathing to credit for households and businesses. Obviously this will force European countries to borrow more to save the cause of the crisis. However, governments
well regarded by the nationalization another institution, namely the various central banks and thus indirectly the ECB. All
perceive the Bank of Italy as a government entity of which the Italian state would have 100% of quote.Non is così.La Bank of Italy is divided into parts among several banks and some state institutions (INPS). In fact in 2005 was promulgated Law 262 of 28 December which included the complete transfer of the shares belonging to private banks in favor of government agencies or to the Treasury by 12 January 2008. Unfortunately, the law did not provide for penalties or sanctions it, and not having mandatory nature, to 19/12/2008 (as you can see the site of the Bank) shares are still owned by institutions bancari (Intesa-San Paolo e Unicredit in testa che da sole detengono il 45%).
Ovviamente la Banca d'Italia produce utili grazie a quello che nel gergo si chiama signoraggio ossia l'insieme dei redditi derivante dall'emissione della moneta. La Banca d'Italia grazie al diritto che ha di battere moneta e alla sua partecipazione alla BCE(che invece emette le banconote) ottiene utili che divide tra i suoi soci.
La crisi è evidentemente sempre per i soliti noti,gli altri se la cavano sempre.
Antonio Di Gilio
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Streaming South Park French
Left: Kobarid from the Piave the music does not change the
La luna di miele di Berlusconi continua inesorabile. Il Pd va verso una clamorosa sconfitta grazie a scelte moderate di Veltroni e la mancanza di carisma dell'attuale Franceschini.
I nodi non sono ancora risolti (sul testamento biologico il partito è ancora spaccato) e manca una linea condivisa. Nemmeno con la Caporetto del 2009 il Pd riesce a stringere i ranghi. Ho l'impressione che nonostante il cambio tra Cadorna e Diaz,anche la linea del Piave sarà sfondata. E' il momento di tirare le somme e comprendere i motivi reali di questa disfatta dell'intera area di Sinistra. Per quanto mi sforzi la risposta che mi tormenta è una: quali risposte diamo alla crisi?Come risolvere i problemi della gente?Insomma quale disegno politico proponiamo? Da ormai un anno ho dovuto solo assistere a guerre intestine all'interno del PD and recriminations between the various small parties of the left absent from the parliament. Chianciano first, then the telenovelas Vendola-Ferrero, now the recriminations over who is wrong in Sardinia. People have understood all too well that this left, unable even to the opposition, but can do without. It 's time to get around a table, bring together the best intellectual energies we have to offer (by economists and lawyers to not only philosophers) and write a viable political plan that reflects our being to the left: radical and alternative.
We launched the idea of \u200b\u200bshifting the 8 per thousand to social security benefits. Launching a feasible housing plan with the money that will instead be wasted on unnecessary work such as that of bridge over the strait. Talking seriously cuts policy at all levels right from the beginning the province. We need to launch anti-lists provinces in which any elected members and will make efforts to transfer responsibilities to the municipalities and regions and fail to receive compensation.
Berlusconi beat him today only on the factual and not just an ideal. Only if we present a concrete project we hope to beat the political slogans and hurt.
Italy along the lines of the next twenty years is losing but not mangnelli and castor oil, but simply for our own merit
Antonio Di Gilio
La luna di miele di Berlusconi continua inesorabile. Il Pd va verso una clamorosa sconfitta grazie a scelte moderate di Veltroni e la mancanza di carisma dell'attuale Franceschini.
I nodi non sono ancora risolti (sul testamento biologico il partito è ancora spaccato) e manca una linea condivisa. Nemmeno con la Caporetto del 2009 il Pd riesce a stringere i ranghi. Ho l'impressione che nonostante il cambio tra Cadorna e Diaz,anche la linea del Piave sarà sfondata. E' il momento di tirare le somme e comprendere i motivi reali di questa disfatta dell'intera area di Sinistra. Per quanto mi sforzi la risposta che mi tormenta è una: quali risposte diamo alla crisi?Come risolvere i problemi della gente?Insomma quale disegno politico proponiamo? Da ormai un anno ho dovuto solo assistere a guerre intestine all'interno del PD and recriminations between the various small parties of the left absent from the parliament. Chianciano first, then the telenovelas Vendola-Ferrero, now the recriminations over who is wrong in Sardinia. People have understood all too well that this left, unable even to the opposition, but can do without. It 's time to get around a table, bring together the best intellectual energies we have to offer (by economists and lawyers to not only philosophers) and write a viable political plan that reflects our being to the left: radical and alternative.
We launched the idea of \u200b\u200bshifting the 8 per thousand to social security benefits. Launching a feasible housing plan with the money that will instead be wasted on unnecessary work such as that of bridge over the strait. Talking seriously cuts policy at all levels right from the beginning the province. We need to launch anti-lists provinces in which any elected members and will make efforts to transfer responsibilities to the municipalities and regions and fail to receive compensation.
Berlusconi beat him today only on the factual and not just an ideal. Only if we present a concrete project we hope to beat the political slogans and hurt.
Italy along the lines of the next twenty years is losing but not mangnelli and castor oil, but simply for our own merit
Antonio Di Gilio
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Wedding Thank You Message Examples
risiko Berlusconi Veltroniana death, coma the Left
Sardinia is a further proof that things go wrong Left very male. Il PD (se di vagamente di sinistra si vuol parlare) è ormai verso la disfatta finale. Veltroni è KO e le due anime del partito stanno affinando i coltelli. La vincita del centro alle primarie toscane ma la contemporanea vittoria dell'UDC in Sardegna dimostra che la voglia centrista del PD va affollare un'area nella quale i copyright sono di altri.
A sinistra invece si preferisce l'astensione piuttosto che votare un fantomatico Pd o micro corpuscoli che perservono nelle loro identità.
E passiamo a noi. La Sinistra per la Sardegna presente in 8 province su 9 prende un decoroso 1,6%. Mi sento però di dire che quella lista è nata in un solo mese ed è formata quasi esclusivamente da quelli di SD. Per un analisi più correct we should add the Red Mori, formed by the old Sardinian independent movement of the left and the Greens. The two lists by themselves were more likely to Rainbow.
Rifondazione out with broken bones. Vendola continues its prevarication and despite his departure from the party called for a vote PRC. There, his motion was 63% and obviously our people there is nothing more understanding and preferred to stay at home rather than go to the polls. The PDCI
gain a few tenths of a point, but it is wishful thinking. In absolute lose many votes and still not gain space.
In any case, the four lists bring home five seats in the region after the 3 of 'Abruzzo. In short, the Left lives his worst nightmare. And United do not like losing, but gaining currency loses some armchair. In Sardinia, Abruzzo as advisers will only serve to give oxygen to the coffers of political parties and movements in financial crises. But lose visibility and habitats to hope for a gradual recovery and change of course.
I want to go back to the substantive policy analysis, talk about ideas and proposals of an alternative society and not to argue a risiko election, one-sided bargain, that will only bring new bitterness and retaliation. And it takes to say those four losers of the leaders of these parties, we had even more reason for you or we won.
So I can not stand here and hope for the death of the Democratic Party, in the wake mates of tired of that party which may come back and listen to return to dream. If I do have to be on us and not for the unworthiness of others. The attack is the best defense and remain pending and the worst punishment that can be imposed
Antonio Di Gilio
Sardinia is a further proof that things go wrong Left very male. Il PD (se di vagamente di sinistra si vuol parlare) è ormai verso la disfatta finale. Veltroni è KO e le due anime del partito stanno affinando i coltelli. La vincita del centro alle primarie toscane ma la contemporanea vittoria dell'UDC in Sardegna dimostra che la voglia centrista del PD va affollare un'area nella quale i copyright sono di altri.
A sinistra invece si preferisce l'astensione piuttosto che votare un fantomatico Pd o micro corpuscoli che perservono nelle loro identità.
E passiamo a noi. La Sinistra per la Sardegna presente in 8 province su 9 prende un decoroso 1,6%. Mi sento però di dire che quella lista è nata in un solo mese ed è formata quasi esclusivamente da quelli di SD. Per un analisi più correct we should add the Red Mori, formed by the old Sardinian independent movement of the left and the Greens. The two lists by themselves were more likely to Rainbow.
Rifondazione out with broken bones. Vendola continues its prevarication and despite his departure from the party called for a vote PRC. There, his motion was 63% and obviously our people there is nothing more understanding and preferred to stay at home rather than go to the polls. The PDCI
gain a few tenths of a point, but it is wishful thinking. In absolute lose many votes and still not gain space.
In any case, the four lists bring home five seats in the region after the 3 of 'Abruzzo. In short, the Left lives his worst nightmare. And United do not like losing, but gaining currency loses some armchair. In Sardinia, Abruzzo as advisers will only serve to give oxygen to the coffers of political parties and movements in financial crises. But lose visibility and habitats to hope for a gradual recovery and change of course.
I want to go back to the substantive policy analysis, talk about ideas and proposals of an alternative society and not to argue a risiko election, one-sided bargain, that will only bring new bitterness and retaliation. And it takes to say those four losers of the leaders of these parties, we had even more reason for you or we won.
So I can not stand here and hope for the death of the Democratic Party, in the wake mates of tired of that party which may come back and listen to return to dream. If I do have to be on us and not for the unworthiness of others. The attack is the best defense and remain pending and the worst punishment that can be imposed
Antonio Di Gilio
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